GrapeCity ActiveReports for .NET 16.0J
SelectNextControl メソッド (Viewer)

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Win 名前空間 > Viewer クラス : SelectNextControl メソッド
The System.Windows.Forms.Control at which to start the search.
true to move forward in the tab order; false to move backward in the tab order.
true to ignore the controls with the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabStop property set to false; otherwise, false.
true to include nested (children of child controls) child controls; otherwise, false.
true to continue searching from the first control in the tab order after the last control has been reached; otherwise, false.
Activates the next control.
Public Function SelectNextControl( _
   ByVal ctl As Control, _
   ByVal forward As Boolean, _
   ByVal tabStopOnly As Boolean, _
   ByVal nested As Boolean, _
   ByVal wrap As Boolean _
) As Boolean
public bool SelectNextControl( 
   Control ctl,
   bool forward,
   bool tabStopOnly,
   bool nested,
   bool wrap


The System.Windows.Forms.Control at which to start the search.
true to move forward in the tab order; false to move backward in the tab order.
true to ignore the controls with the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabStop property set to false; otherwise, false.
true to include nested (children of child controls) child controls; otherwise, false.
true to continue searching from the first control in the tab order after the last control has been reached; otherwise, false.


true if a control was activated; otherwise, false.

Viewer クラス
Viewer メンバ