GrapeCity ActiveReports for .NET 16.0J
GetResourceSet メソッド (JsonResourceManager)

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web 名前空間 > JsonResourceManager クラス : GetResourceSet メソッド
The culture whose resources are to be retrieved.
true to load the resource set, if it has not been loaded yet; otherwise, false.
true to use resource fallback to load an appropriate resource if the resource set cannot be found; false to bypass the resource fallback process.
Retrieves the resource set for a particular culture.
Public Overridable Function GetResourceSet( _
   ByVal culture As CultureInfo, _
   ByVal createIfNotExists As Boolean, _
   ByVal tryParents As Boolean _
) As ResourceSet
public virtual ResourceSet GetResourceSet( 
   CultureInfo culture,
   bool createIfNotExists,
   bool tryParents


The culture whose resources are to be retrieved.
true to load the resource set, if it has not been loaded yet; otherwise, false.
true to use resource fallback to load an appropriate resource if the resource set cannot be found; false to bypass the resource fallback process.


The resource set for the specified culture.
The culture parameter is null 参照 (Visual Basicでは Nothing).
tryParents is true, no usable set of resources has been found, and there are no default culture resources.

JsonResourceManager クラス
JsonResourceManager メンバ