名前 | 解説 | |
RText コンストラクタ | オーバーロードされます。 |
名前 | 解説 | |
RText コンストラクタ | オーバーロードされます。 |
名前 | 解説 | |
m_bFormatted | True if formatted | |
m_outputSize | The output size |
名前 | 解説 | |
Alignment | Gets or sets the alignment. | |
BackColor | 背景色を取得または設定します。 | |
CharacterSpacing | Determines the distance beetween two characters in the string. Applied only when UseCharacterSpacing is true. | |
Font | フォントを取得または設定します。 | |
FontIndex | フォントのインデックスを取得または設定します。 | |
Kinsoku | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RText is kinsoku. | |
LineSpacing | Determines the spacing in inches between text lines | |
MultiLine | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [multi line]. | |
Padding | Gets or sets the padding. | |
Printing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RText is printing. | |
RightToLeft | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [right to left]. | |
Selection | 選択範囲を取得または設定します。 | |
Text | テキストを取得または設定します。 | |
TextAngle | Gets or sets the text angle. | |
TextColor | テキストの色を取得または設定します。 | |
TextJustify | Gets or sets the text justify. | |
VertAlignment | Gets or sets the vert alignment. | |
VerticalText | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [vertical text]. | |
WrapMode | Gets or sets the wrap mode. |
名前 | 解説 | |
CalcRectRotation | Calculates the rect rotation. | |
ClearRuns | Clears the runs. | |
FormatText | オーバーロードされます。 FormatText Uses textruns to go through m_text and creates LineDesc | |
FormatTextAndTrim | ||
FormatTextShrinkToFit | オーバーロードされます。 FormatText and returns updated font. Uses textruns to go through m_text and creates LineDesc with ShrinkToFit algorithm | |
GetBlocks | Gets the blocks. | |
GetLastLinesIndexes | Returns indexes of last paragraphs lines. Used to define lines which should not be justified. | |
GetLines | Gets the lines. | |
GetLogicalLines | Returns an array of lines that are "logically" together. GetLines() splits the entire text based on width. GetLines() >= GetLogicalLines() | |
GetParagraphSize | Gets the size of the paragraph. | |
IsLastLineInParagraph | Returns true is the line at index "line" is the lasst line in the paragraph. Done only for justified alignment and lineCount > 1 | |
NormalizeLineFeeds | Normalizes line-feed characters to unified presentation with \n as line delimiter | |
Render | Renders Lines and pieces that contains text only. This method is used to render Label, Textbox, CheckBox, RichtextBox at run time. Label, Textbox, CheckBox, at design time. | |
RenderWithGraphics | Renders text | |
SetSelectionColors | 選択範囲の塗りの色を設定します。 |