ActiveReports for .NET 18.0J
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section 名前空間 (MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Core.Document)
クラスSummary description for Align.
クラスSummary description for BackColor.
クラスSummary description for BackStyle.
クラスRepresents a Bookmark.
クラスBookMark Coillection
クラスSummary description for Border.
クラスSummary description for CanvasItem. All canvas items coordinates are in inches
クラスSummary description for ClipRect.
クラスSummary description for ControlInfo.
クラスClass ControlInfoEnd.
クラスSummary description for DrawText.
クラスSummary description for DrawText2.
クラスSummary description for DrawTextLink.
クラスSummary description for Ellipse.
クラスSummary description for EnhMeta.
クラスSummary description for EnhMetaLink.
クラスSummary description for EvaluationStart.
クラスSummary description for EvaluationStart.
クラスSummary description for FillRect.
クラスSummary description for ForeColor.
クラスCanvas item for checkBox fields
クラスBase canvas item for InputFields
クラスタブオーダー (存在する場合) を指定するキャンバスアイテムを示します。
クラスCanvas item for text fields
クラスSummary description for IntersectClip.
クラスSummary description for JPEGImage.
クラスSummary description for JPEGLink.
クラスClass LabelAttribute.
クラスSummary description for Line. Line was changed to LineItem because we have a Line class in the DataDynamics.ActiveReports3 namespace which is also included in every single report's codebehind by default.
クラスSummary description for LinkItem.
クラスClass Margins.
クラスSummary description for PageCell.
クラスProvides extension methods for GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Core.Document.Page
クラスSummary description for PenStyle.
クラスSummary description for PenWidth.
クラスSummary description for PINGImage.
クラスSummary description for JPEGLink.
クラスSummary description for Rect.
クラスSummary description for ResetContext.
クラスSummary description for ResourcedCanvasItem.
クラスSummary description for RoundRect.
クラスExtended version of RoundRect canvas item. It provides ability to change radius of each corner separately.
クラスSummary description for Right To Left.
クラスSummary description for SectionInfo.
クラスSummary description for SectionInfoEnd.
クラスSummary description for SelectFont.
クラスRS: CR 23121 - SetCharacterSpacing canvas item
クラスRS: CR 23121 - SetLineHeight canvas item
クラスRS: CR 23121 - SetLineHeight canvas item
クラスSetMinCondenseRate canvas item
クラスDocument.StateChanged event arguments
クラスThe Table CanvasItems contains an arrayList of TableRow Object which contain an array list of TableCell Objects which contains an array list of canvasItems. This class saves, load, and renders a table
クラスCustom tab stops collection item (used in TableOfContents)
クラスSummary description for TextAngle.
クラスText bounds range canvas item
クラスUsed for TextBox control while exporting report to Excel.
クラスSummary description for TextOut.
クラスSummary description for Align.
クラスClass UrlErrorEventArgs.
クラスSummary description for PenStyle.
クラスSummary description for WordWrap.
クラスRepresents text wrap mode
インターフェースInterface IBordered
インターフェースInterface ICanvasItemsModifier
インターフェースCommon interface of link items
構造体Struct TabStop
デリゲートDelegate UrlErrorEventHandler
列挙体This AlignmentTypes Enum specifies how text will be aligned in a table cell.
列挙体Represents the background style when using the lower level page rendering API.
列挙体The enum of canvas types.
列挙体Specifies control type
列挙体Border styles for input fields
列挙体Check styles for checkBox input fields
列挙体Alignment for text input fields
列挙体Indicates the orientation of the page when outputting to the printer.
列挙体Represents the type of pen used when drawing lines on a page.
列挙体Represents the file format used for saving report documents.
列挙体Enum VerticalTextAlignment
列挙体Specifies report section type
列挙体Enum State
列挙体The Tab Stop Types
列挙体Enum TextAlignment
列挙体Represents the text justification.
列挙体Hint options for TextRenderHint canvas item
列挙体Represents the unit of measure of the document when using the low level rendering API on the document page.
列挙体Enum VerticalTextAlignment
列挙体Specifies whether the text is written from left to right or right to left.

MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Core.Document アセンブリ