The quick start guides you through the steps of adding C1XLBook control in your MVC web application and adding data to it. Complete the following steps to see how the C1XLBook control appears after data binding:
Create a new MVC application using the ComponentOne or VisualStudio templates. For more information about creating an MVC application, see Configuring your MVC Application topic.
The example uses C1NWind database. The C1NWind.mdf file is available on your system at the following location:
Documents\ComponentOne Samples\ASP.NET MVC\MVC\MvcExplorer\App_Data
folder in the Solution Explorer.Models|Add New Item|Data
, and select ADO.NET Entity Data Model.Products
table and click Finish.If you can see C1NWind.edmx added to your project under the Models folder, you have successfully configured the data source for your application.
Back to TopComplete the following steps to initialize a FlexGrid control.
Add a new Controller
).C# |
using <ApplicationName>.Models;
C# |
private string CreateExcelFile() { //Excelブックをクリアし、1つの空白シートを削除します _c1xl.Clear(); _c1xl.Sheets.Clear(); _c1xl.DefaultFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8); //Excelスタイルを作成します _styTitle = new XLStyle(_c1xl); _styHeader = new XLStyle(_c1xl); //スタイルを設定します _styTitle.Font = new Font(_c1xl.DefaultFont.Name, 15, FontStyle.Bold); _styTitle.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _styHeader.Font = new Font(_c1xl.DefaultFont, FontStyle.Bold); _styHeader.ForeColor = Color.White; _styHeader.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; //カテゴリごとに1つのシートでレポートを作成します List<Category> categories = db.Categories.ToList<Category>(); foreach (Category category in categories) { CreateSheet(category); } //XLSファイルへ保存します string uid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string filename = Server.MapPath("~") + uid + ".xlsx"; _c1xl.Save(filename); return filename; } |
C# |
private void CreateSheet(Category category) { //現在のカテゴリ名を取得します string catName = category.CategoryName; //ブックに新しいワークシートを追加します //(「/」はシート名では無効なので、「+」に置き換えます) string sheetName = catName.Replace("/", " + "); XLSheet sheet = _c1xl.Sheets.Add(sheetName); //ワークシートにタイトルを追加します sheet[0, 0].Value = catName; sheet.Rows[0].Style = _styTitle; // 列幅(twip単位)を設定します sheet.Columns[0].Width = 300; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 2200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 1600; sheet.Columns[4].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[5].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[6].Width = 1000; //列ヘッダーを追加します int row = 2; sheet.Rows[row].Style = _styHeader; sheet[row, 1].Value = "Product Name"; sheet[row, 2].Value = "Unit Price"; sheet[row, 3].Value = "Qty/Unit"; sheet[row, 4].Value = "Stock Units"; sheet[row, 5].Value = "Stock Value"; sheet[row, 6].Value = "Reorder"; //このカテゴリの製品をループします List<Product> products = db.Products.Where(pro => pro.CategoryID == category.CategoryID).ToList<Product>(); foreach (Product product in products) { //次の行に移動します row++; //データを含む行を追加します sheet[row, 1].Value = product.ProductName; sheet[row, 2].Value = product.UnitPrice; sheet[row, 3].Value = product.QuantityPerUnit; sheet[row, 4].Value = product.UnitsInStock; //在庫の値を計算します double valueInStock = Convert.ToDouble(product.UnitPrice) * Convert.ToInt32(product.UnitsInStock); sheet[row, 5].Value = valueInStock; sheet[row, 6].Value = product.ReorderLevel; } } |
Add a View for the controller:
) to open it.Index()
to open it.C# |
@{ Layout = null; } <br /> <br /> @Html.ActionLink("GenerateExcel", "GenerateExcel") |
This creates a workbook with NorthWind product information using the C1XLBook control where each product category is placed on a separate worksheet.