パブリック コンストラクタ
パブリック プロパティ
| 名前 | 解説 |
| AllowFieldEditing | Gets or sets a value that determines whether users should be allowed to edit the properties of the Fields. |
| Async | Gets or sets a value that determines whether view updates should be generated asynchronously. |
| ColumnFields | Gets the list of PivotField objects that define the fields shown as columns in the output table. |
| Components | Gets the child components. C1.Web.Mvc.Componentから継承されます。 |
| CubeService | Gets the options for OLAP cube provided by SSAS server. |
| DefaultFilterType | Gets or sets the default filter type (by value or by condition). When binding the service, only FilterType.Condition and FilterType.None are supported. When FilterType.Both is set, it works as FilterType.Condition. When FilterType.Value is set, it works as FilterType.None. |
| ExclusiveValueSearch | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the filter should include only values selected by the @see:wijmo.grid.filter.ValueFilter.filterText property. |
| Fields | Gets the list of the PivotField objects which can be used in the view. |
| FilterFields | Gets the list of PivotField objects that define the fields used as filters. |
| Id | Gets or sets the component id. C1.Web.Mvc.Componentから継承されます。 |
| ItemsSource | Gets ItemsSource settings. |
| ItemsSourceId | Gets or sets the ItemsSourceId specify which CollectionViewService will be used for this control. |
| OnClientError | Occurs when there is an error getting data from the server. |
| OnClientItemsSourceChanged | Occurs after the items source changes. |
| OnClientUpdatedView | Occurs after the engine has finished updating the output pivot view list. |
| OnClientUpdatingView | Occurs when the engine starts updating the output pivot view list. |
| OnClientViewDefinitionChanged | Occurs after the view definition changes. |
| RowFields | Gets the list of PivotField objects that define the fields shown as rows in the output table. |
| ServerMaxDetail | Gets or sets the maximum number of records when getting the detail data from the server. The default value for this property is 1000, which provides a reasonable amount of detail in many scenarios. If you want to allow more detail records to be retrieved, increase the value of this property. |
| ServerPollInterval | Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, which the engine should wait before polling the server for progress status while retrieving results. The default value for this property is 500, which causes the engine to poll the server for a status update every half second. |
| ServerTimeout | Gets or sets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, which the engine should wait for the results to come back from the server. The default value for this property is 60000, equivalent to sixty seconds. If you expect server operations to take longer than that to complete, set the property to a higher value. |
| ServiceUrl | Gets or sets the service url. |
| ShowColumnTotals | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the output data should include columns containing subtotals or grand totals. |
| ShowRowTotals | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the output data should include rows containing subtotals or grand totals. |
| ShowZeros | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the Olap output table should use zeros to indicate the missing values. |
| SortableGroups | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the engine should sort groups when sorting the value fields (measures) or whether it should keep the group order and the data only within each group. |
| SortOnServer | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the summary data received from the server is already sorted. |
| TotalsBeforeData | Gets or sets a value that determines whether row and column totals should be displayed before or after regular data rows and columns. |
| ValueFields | Gets the list of PivotField objects that define the fields summarized in the output table. |
| ViewDefinition | Gets or sets the current pivot view definition as a JSON string. |
パブリック メソッド