| 列挙体 | 解説 |
| AxisOverlappingLabels | Specifies how to handle overlapped labels. |
| AxisTickMark | Specifies whether and where axis tick marks appear. |
| ChartType | Specifies which type of chart users want to create. |
| ErrorAmount | Specifies the error amount of the series, it can be a standard error amount, a percentage or a standard deviation. |
| ErrorBarDirection | Specifies the direction of the error bar. |
| ErrorBarEndStyle | Specifies the end style of the error bar. |
| LabelPosition | Specifies the position of data labels on the chart. |
| LegendOrientation | Specifies the element orientation. |
| LineMarkerAlignment | Specifies the alignment of the LineMarker. |
| LineMarkerInteraction | Specifies how the LineMarker interacts with the user. |
| LineMarkerLines | Specifies the line type for the LineMarker. |
| Marker | Specifies the type of marker to use for the @see:symbolMarker property. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types. |
| MovingAverageType | Specifies whether and where the Series is visible. |
| Orientation | Specifies the orientation of the range selector. |
| PieLabelPosition | Specifies the position of data labels on the pie chart. |
| Position | Specifies the position of an axis or legend on the chart. |
| QuartileCalculation | Specifies the quartile calculation method of Box and Whisker chart. |
| RadarChartType | Specifies the type of radar chart. |
| RenderEngine | Specifies the RenderEngine of the chart. |
| SelectionMode | Specifies what is selected when the user clicks the chart. |
| SeriesVisibility | Specifies whether and where the Series is visible. |
| Stacking | Specifies whether and how to stack the chart's data values. |
| TrendLineFitType | Specifies whether and where the Series is visible. |