パブリック コンストラクタ
パブリック メソッド
| 名前 | 解説 |
| AllowCollapseAll | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.AllowCollapseAll. Sets a value that determines whether users should be allowed to collapse all the items. |
| AllowExpandMany | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.AllowExpandMany. Sets a value that determines whether users should be allowed to expand multiple panes at a time. |
| AutoSwitch | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.AutoSwitch. Sets a value that determines whether the control should switch panes automatically when the user selects a pane using the arrow keys. |
| CssClass | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssClass. Sets the css class of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyle | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyles | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Height | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the height of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttribute | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttributes | オーバーロードされます。 Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Id | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Component.Id. Sets the id of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| IsAnimated | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.IsAnimated. Sets a value that determines whether collapsing or expanding panes should be animated. |
| IsDisabled | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.IsDisabled. Sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientGotFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientGotFocus client event. Occurs when the control gets the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientLostFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientLostFocus client event. Occurs when the control loses the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshed | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshed client event. Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshing | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshing client event. Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientSelectedIndexChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.OnClientSelectedIndexChanged client event. Occurs when the value of the selectedIndex property changes. |
| SelectedIndex | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.SelectedIndex. Sets the index of the currently selected (active) pane. |
| ShowIcons | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Accordion.ShowIcons. Sets a value that determines whether shows collapsed/expanded icons in the pane headers. |
| TabOrder | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TabOrder. Sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Tabs | Sets the Panes property. |
| TemplateBind | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TemplateBindings client event. Sets the collection of the template bindings. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| ToTemplate | Transfer to the template mode. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Width | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the width of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<Accordion,AccordionBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| WriteTo | Writer the process result of current instance to the writer. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ComponentBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |