| 名前 | 解説 |
| AutoWidth | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.AutoWidth. Sets a value indicating whether the control width should automatically change along with the Value length. |
| AutoWidthZoom | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.AutoWidthZoom. Sets a zoom factor applied to the automatically calculated control width. |
| BackgroundColor | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.BackgroundColor. Sets the background color to render the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| BearerBar | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.BearerBar. Indicates whether to enable bearer bar (the thick black border) around the symbol. |
| CheckCharacter | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.CheckCharacter. Indicates whether to enable the check character. Since Interleaved2of5 requires an even number of digits to “interleave” numbers, the data encoded must be an odd number of digits when using a check character, thus resulting in the required even number of digits. |
| Color | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.Color. Sets the forecolor to render the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| CssClass | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssClass. Sets the css class of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyle | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyles | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Font | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.Font. Sets font info for the label text of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| Height | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the height of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HideExtraChecksum | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.HideExtraChecksum. Indicates whether to show the check digit in the label text of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttribute | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttributes | オーバーロードされます。 Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Id | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Component.Id. Sets the id of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| IsDisabled | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.IsDisabled. Sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| LabelPosition | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.LabelPosition. Sets where to render the value of the control. |
| NwRatio | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.NwRatio. Sets the narrow and wide bar ratio of the control. |
| OnClientGotFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientGotFocus client event. Occurs when the control gets the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientIsValidChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.OnClientIsValidChanged client event. Occurs when the IsValid property value changes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientLostFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientLostFocus client event. Occurs when the control loses the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshed | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshed client event. Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshing | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshing client event. Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| QuietZone | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.QuietZone. Sets the size of quiet zone (the blank margin) around the barcode symbol. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| RenderType | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.RenderType. Sets the rendering type of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| ShowLabel | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Interleaved2of5.ShowLabel. Indicates whether the value is rendered under the symbol. |
| TabOrder | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TabOrder. Sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| TemplateBind | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TemplateBindings client event. Sets the collection of the template bindings. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| ToTemplate | Transfer to the template mode. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Value | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase.Value. Sets the current code value rendered by the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.BarcodeBaseBuilder<Interleaved2of5,Interleaved2of5Builder>から継承されます。 |
| Width | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the width of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| WriteTo | Writer the process result of current instance to the writer. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ComponentBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |