| 名前 | 解説 |
| AllowDragging | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.AllowDragging. Sets a value that determines whether users can drag and drop nodes within the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView control. |
| AutoCollapse | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.AutoCollapse. Sets a value that determines if sibling nodes should be collapsed when a node is expanded. |
| Bind | オーバーロードされます。 Loads the nodes from the specified data. |
| CheckedMemberPath | |
| CheckOnClick | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.CheckOnClick. Sets a value that determines whether to toggle checkboxes when the user clicks the node header. |
| ChildItemsPath | Sets the ChildItemsPath property. |
| CollapseOnClick | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.CollapseOnClick. Sets a value that determines whether to collapse expanded nodes when the user clicks the node header. |
| CollapseWhenDisabled | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.CollapseWhenDisabled. Sets a value that determines whether nodes should be collapsed when they are disabled. |
| CssClass | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssClass. Sets the css class of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyle | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| CssStyles | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| DisplayMemberPath | Sets the DisplayMemberPath property. |
| ExpandOnClick | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.ExpandOnClick. Sets a value that determines whether to expand collapsed nodes when the user clicks the node header. |
| ExpandOnLoad | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.ExpandOnLoad. Sets a value that determines whether to toggle checkboxes when the user clicks the node header. |
| Height | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the height of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttribute | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttributes | オーバーロードされます。 Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Id | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Component.Id. Sets the id of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| ImageMemberPath | Sets the ImageMemberPath property. |
| IsAnimated | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.IsAnimated. Sets a value that indicates whether to use animations when expanding or collapsing nodes. |
| IsContentHtml | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.IsContentHtml. Sets a value indicating whether items are bound to plain text or HTML. |
| IsDisabled | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.IsDisabled. Sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| IsReadOnly | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.IsReadOnly. Sets a value that determines whether users can edit the text in the nodes. When it is set to false, users may edit the content of the tree nodes by typing directly into the nodes. The F2 key can also be used to enter edit mode with the whole node content selected. |
| LazyLoadFunction | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.LazyLoadFunction. Sets a client function that loads child nodes on demand. |
| OnClientCheckedItemsChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientCheckedItemsChanged client event. Occurs when the checked items are changed. |
| OnClientDragEnd | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientDragEnd client event. Occurs when the user finishes a drag/drop operation, either by dropping a node into a new location or by canceling the operation with the mouse or keyboard. |
| OnClientDragOver | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientDragOver client event. Occurs while the user drags a node over other nodes on the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView. |
| OnClientDragStart | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientDragStart client event. Occurs when the user starts dragging a node. This event only occurs if the AllowDrag property is set to true. |
| OnClientDrop | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientDrop client event. Occurs when the user drops a on the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView. |
| OnClientFormatItem | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientFormatItem client event. Occurs when an element representing a node has been created. |
| OnClientGotFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientGotFocus client event. Occurs when the control gets the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientIsCheckedChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientIsCheckedChanged client event. Occurs after the check status of a node is changed. |
| OnClientIsCheckedChanging | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientIsCheckedChanging client event. Occurs before the check status of a node is changed. |
| OnClientIsCollapsedChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientIsCollapsedChanged client event. Occurs after a node is collapsed or expanded. |
| OnClientIsCollapsedChanging | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientIsCollapsedChanging client event. Occurs before a node is collapsed or expanded. |
| OnClientItemClicked | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientItemClicked client event. Occurs when the user clicks an item or presses the Enter key and an item is selected. |
| OnClientItemsSourceChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientItemsSourceChanged client event. Occurs when the value of the ItemsSource property changes. |
| OnClientLoadedItems | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientLoadedItems client event. Occurs after the tree items have been generated. |
| OnClientLoadingItems | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientLoadingItems client event. Occurs before the tree items are generated. |
| OnClientLostFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientLostFocus client event. Occurs when the control loses the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientNodeEditEnded | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientNodeEditEnded client event. Occurs after a node has exited edit mode. |
| OnClientNodeEditEnding | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientNodeEditEnding client event. Occurs before a node exits edit mode. |
| OnClientNodeEditStarted | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientNodeEditStarted client event. Occurs after a node has entered edit mode. |
| OnClientNodeEditStarting | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientNodeEditStarting client event. Occurs before a node enters edit mode. |
| OnClientRefreshed | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshed client event. Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshing | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshing client event. Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| OnClientReponseTextParsing | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientReponseTextParsing client event. Occurs when parsing the response text. |
| OnClientRequestDataStringifying | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientRequestDataStringifying client event. Occurs when serializing the request data. |
| OnClientSelectedItemChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.OnClientSelectedItemChanged client event. Occurs when the selected item is changes. |
| ShowCheckboxes | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView.ShowCheckboxes. Sets a value that determines whether the C1.Web.Mvc.TreeView control should add checkboxes to nodes and manage their state. This property can be used only on trees without lazy-loaded nodes(LazyLoadFunction is not set and IsLazyLoading is false). |
| TabOrder | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TabOrder. Sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| TemplateBind | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TemplateBindings client event. Sets the collection of the template bindings. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| ToTemplate | Transfer to the template mode. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| Width | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the width of the control in pixel. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TreeView,TreeViewBuilder>から継承されます。 |
| WriteTo | Writer the process result of current instance to the writer. C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ComponentBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>から継承されます。 |