| 列挙体 | 解説 |
| Aggregate | Specifies the type of aggregate to calculate over a group of values. |
| AllowDragging | Specifies constants that define the row/column dragging behavior. |
| AllowMerging | Specifies constants that define which areas of the grid support cell merging. |
| AllowResizing | Specifies constants that define the row/column sizing behavior. |
| AllowSorting | Specifies constants that define the grid's sorting capabilities. |
| AutoSizeMode | Specifies constants that define the row/column auto-sizing behavior. |
| CopyHeader | Specifies constants that define copied header cells when copying the content to the clipboard. |
| DataMapEditor | Specifies constants that define the type of editor used with data-mapped columns. |
| DataType | Enumeration with value types. |
| DetailVisibilityMode | Specifies when and how the row details are displayed. |
| HeadersVisibility | Specifies constants that specify the visibility of row and column headers. |
| KeyAction | Specifies constants that define the action to perform when special keys such as ENTER and TAB are pressed. |
| Operator | Specifies filter condition operators. |
| PinningType | Specifies constants that allows pinning/unpinning single columns or column ranges. |
| SelectionMode | Gets or sets the current selection mode. |