ASP.NET Core MVC コントロールヘルプ
C1.Web.Mvc 名前空間
C1.AspNetCore.Mvc アセンブリ : C1.Web.Mvc 名前空間
クラスDefines a control which is a vertically stacked set of interactive headings that each contain a title.
クラスRepresents a pane within a Accordion control.
クラスRepresents the base class of annotations for the AnnotationLayer.
クラスThe AutoComplete control is an input control that allows callers to customize the item list as the user types.
クラスThe base class for AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete.
クラスDefines a class represents the group for the auto grid layout.
クラスDefines a class represents the tile for the auto grid layout.
クラスBase (abstract) class for all barcode control classes.
クラスBoxWhisker series is normally used to compare distributions between different sets of numerical data.
クラスRepresents a Break Even chart series.
クラスSupported styles in BreakEven series
クラスThe BulletGraph is a type of linear gauge designed specifically for use
クラスCustom model binder attribute for C1 json request data.
クラスCustom model binder for C1 json request data.
クラスCalculated Field.
クラスThe Calendar control displays a one-month calendar and allows users to select a date.
クラスDefine the cell template class.
クラスRepresents chart axis.
クラスRepresents the chart legend.
クラスRepresents a series of data points to display in the chart.
クラスRepresents a series of data points to display in the chart.
クラスRepresents chart tooltip.
クラスRepresents a circle annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Codabar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Code128 barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Code39 barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Code49 barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Code93 barcode type.
クラスDefine the request data for batch updating.
クラスThe request data for editing which is passed from client side.
クラスSupports the read and write processing of the request from the client-side CollectionView.
クラスThe result of operating a CollectionView item.
クラスThe CollectionViewNavigator control for navigating records in CollectionView
クラスThe request data which is passed from client side.
クラスThe response data of CollectionView.
クラスThe ColorPicker control allows users to select a color by clicking on panels to adjust color channels (hue, saturation, brightness, alpha).
クラスRepresents a color scale in layer of the map. Color scale performs value to color transformation.
クラスRepresents a column on the grid.
クラスRepresents a column on the grid.
クラスDefines a filter for a column on a FlexGrid control.
クラスRepresents a column info that describes a column on the grid.
クラスThe ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available.
クラスThe ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available.
クラスDefines the C1 MVC component class. Defines the base class for C1 MVC components.
クラスDefines a condition filter for a column.
クラスDefines configuration for C1 MVC components.
クラスDefines the base class for C1 MVC controls.
クラスIt is a consolidated display of many views and related information in a single place. It is used to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously. The different data views are displayed all at once.
クラスThe point data label for FlexChart.
クラスThe basic type of the point data label
クラスRepresents a data map for use with the column's DataMap property.
クラスRepresents a data map info for use with the ColumnInfo's DataMap property.
クラスBase abstract class for all DataMatrix barcode classes.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing DataMatrix barcode by using ECC000 - ECC140.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing DataMatrix barcode by using Reed-Solomon codes of ECC200.
クラスClass that represents a data point (with x and y coordinates).
クラスDropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down.
クラスDropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing EAN-13.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing EAN-8.
クラスBase abstract class for Ean8 and Ean13 control classes.
クラスRepresents an ellipse annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスThe ErrorBar series helps you see margins of error and standard deviations at a glance. They can be shown as a standard error amount, a percentage, or a standard deviation. You can also set your own values to display the exact error amounts you want.
クラスRepresents Error tooltip.
クラスRepresents a layer in the map.
クラスExtra options for FlexChart.
クラスRepresents a series of data points to display in the chart.
クラスIt is a consolidated display of many views and related information in a single place. It is used to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously. The different data views are displayed all at once.
クラスDefines a filter condition.
クラスThe FlexChart control provides a powerful and flexible way to visualize data.
クラスThe base class of flex chart.
クラスThe FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format.
クラスThe FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format.
クラスThe FlexGridSearch control allows users to quickly search the items displayed in a FlexGrid
クラスA control for visualization geographical data.
クラスThe FlexPie control provides pie and doughnut charts with selectable slices.
クラスThe base class of flex pie.
クラスRadar chart control.
クラスRepresents a series of data points to display in the chart.
クラスDefines a class represents the tile in the flow layout.
クラスThe base class for all form input controls.
クラスRepresents an extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
クラスOptions for Funnel chart.
クラスBase Gauge control.
クラスRepresents a map layer with grid for geographical data.
クラスRepresents a map layer with geographical data.
クラスDefines the base class represents the tile for the grid layout.
クラスDefines a base class for the group items.
クラスRepresents a base class for types defining grouping conditions. Represents a base class for types defining grouping conditions.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1_128 barcode type.
クラスBase abstract class for all GS1 DataBar control classes.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing GS1 DataBar barcode type.
クラスTemplate for custom header table.
クラスRepresents a item for the GroupHeaderTemplate.
クラスDefine an image annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスThe base class for all input controls.
クラスThe InputColor control allows users to select colors by typing in HTML-supported color strings, or to pick colors from a drop-down that shows a ColorPicker control.
クラスThe control allows users to type in dates using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick dates from a drop-down box that shows a Calendar control.
クラスThe base class for the controls which allow the users to type in dates.
クラスThe control extends the InputDate control which sets SelectionMode to Range, MonthCount to 2 and ShowMonthPicker to OutSide.
クラスThe control allows users to input dates and times, either by typing complete date/time values in any format supported, or by picking dates from a drop-down calendar and times from a drop-down list.
クラスThe InputMask control provides a way to govern what a user is allowed to input.
クラスThe InputNumber control allows users to enter numbers.
クラスThe InputTime control allows users to enter times using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick times from a drop-down list.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing Interleaved2of5 barcode type.
クラスDefines the base class for C1 bound controls.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing ITF-14 barcode type.
クラスRepresents the Japanese Postal barcode type and any particular settings of this type.
クラスThe license manager.
クラスRepresents a line annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスThe LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator
クラスThe LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator
クラスThe ListBox control displays a list of items which may contain plain text or HTML, and allows users to select items with the mouse or the keyboard.
クラスDefines a class represents the group for the manual grid layout.
クラスDefines a class represents the tile for the manual grid layout.
クラスRepresents a map layer in the map. Base class for map layers.
クラスThe Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch.
クラスThe Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch.
クラスRepresents the action for the MenuItem to execute.
クラスRepresents the items displayed in the Menu.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing MicroPDF417 barcode type.
クラスDefines a base class of model binder for customizing.
クラスRepresents an extension of the MovingAverage Series for the FlexChart.
クラスA control control allows users to pick items from lists that contain custom objects or simple strings.
クラスThe MultiSelect control allows users to select multiple items from drop-down lists that contain custom objects or simple strings.
クラスThe MultiSelectListBox control displays a list of items which may contain plain text or HTML, and allows users to select multiple items.
クラスThe result of an operation. The result of an operation.
クラスThe Pager control can bind to a data control or CollectionView service to support page navigation.
クラスRepresents a parametric extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing PDF417 barcode type.
クラスThe point data label for FlexPie.
クラスRepresents a plot area on the chart.
クラスRepresents a polygon annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスThe class that shows an element as a popup.
クラスDescribes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion. Describes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing QRCode barcode type.
クラスThe RadialGauge displays a circular scale with an indicator
クラスDefines ranges to be used with Gauge controls.
クラスRepresents a rectangle annotation for AnnotationLayer.
クラスRepresents scatter map layer.
クラスRepresents a base class of shape annotations for the AnnotationLayer.
クラスSort description.
クラスDefines a class represents the group for the split layout.
クラスDefines a class represents the tile for the split layout.
クラスRepresents a square annotation for the AnnotationLayer.
クラスOptions for Step chart.
クラスThe Sunburst control displays hierarhical data as multi-level pie charts.
クラスRepresents SVG styles. Defines a class for the svg style.
クラスRepresents a tab within a TabPanel control.
クラスDefines a control which enables content organization at a high level, such as switching between views, data sets, or functional aspects of an application.
クラスRepresents a text annotation for the AnnotationLayer.
クラスDefines the names of supported themes.
クラスDefines a class for the tile items.
クラスThe Style of title in FlexChart and FlexPie
クラスThe base class of Tooltip.
クラスIt displays hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles.
クラスDefines the colors used for an item in TreeMap<T>.
クラスRepresents a node in TreeView.
クラスDefines a control which displays a hierarchical list which may contain text, checkboxes, images, or arbitrary HTML content.
クラスRepresents an extension of the TrendLine Series for the FlexChart.
クラスRepresents base class for various trend lines.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing UPC-A.
クラスBase abstract class for all UPC barcode control classes.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing UPC-E0.
クラスRepresents a control for drawing UPC-E1.
クラスDefines a value filter for a column.
クラスWaterfall series is normally used to demonstrate how the starting position either increases or decreases through a series of changes.
クラスSupported styles in Waterfall series
クラスRepresents an extension of the YFunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
インターフェースIndicates that the control supports the animation extender.
インターフェースDefines an interface for DropDown.
インターフェースThe interface of items source.
インターフェースStructured append optional fields. Currently only supports segmentCount.
インターフェースDefines an empty interface for the items in split layout.
インターフェースDefines the interface of template.
列挙体Specifies the animation mode whether chart should animate one point at a time, series by series, or all at once.
列挙体Specifies the attachment of the annotation.
列挙体Specifies the position of the annotation.
列挙体Specifies constants that define the action to perform when the user clicks the input element in the control.
列挙体Specifies type of supported cloud.
列挙体Defines which code set is used to create Code128.
列挙体Specifies constants that define how null values are sorted.
列挙体Specifies constants that define the date selection behavior.
列挙体Specifies the rate of change of a parameter over time.
列挙体Specifies types of column filter.
列挙体Specifies the flow direction.
列挙体Specifies the type of Funnel chart. It should be 'Rectangle' or 'Default'. NeckWidth and NeckHeight don't work if type is set to Rectangle.
列挙体Represents the direction in which the pointer of a LinearGauge increases.
列挙体Defines the composite barcode component symbology that can be used in linkage.
列挙体Specifies the interactive axes of the chart gestures.
列挙体Specifies the direction in which the layout items renders in the dashboard.
列挙体Defines symbology of MicroPDF encoding method.
列挙体Defines the symbol row and column count
列挙体Specifies the mouse action of the chart gestures.
列挙体Defines the ratio between narrow and wide bars.
列挙体Specifies the length of the needle element with respect to the pointer range.
列挙体Specifies a pre-defined shape for the gauge's needle element.
列挙体Represents the position of a popup element with respect to a reference element.
列挙体Specifies actions that trigger showing and hiding Popup controls.
列挙体Defines encoding charset type for barcode.
列挙体Defines QRCode Error Correction level to restore data if the code is dirty or damaged. Please refer to the details about ErrorCorrectionLevel
列挙体Indicates the model style of QRCode used.
列挙体Specifies the type of rendering for all type of Barcodes.
列挙体Specifies constants that define whether the control should display month navigation elements.
列挙体Specifies which values should be displayed as text.
列挙体Specifies the position of steps in Step chart. It should be 'Start', 'Centert or 'End'.
列挙体Specifies the tree map type.

C1.AspNetCore.Mvc アセンブリ