This walkthrough depicts how you can customize the default options displayed in the toolbar of the tile header. The default options have been removed and the following two options are added in the toolbar.
The topic comprises the following steps.
Create a new MVC application using the ComponentOne or VisualStudio templates. For more information about creating an MVC application, see Configuring your MVC Application topic.
). For more information on how to add a new model, see Adding Controls.DashboardData.cs
model to define the classes that serve as a datasource for the different controls rendered in the DashboardLayout control.
C# |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace CustomToolBar.Models { public class DashboardData { private IEnumerable<CountryData> _countryDetails = null; public IEnumerable<CountryData> CountryDetails { get { if (_countryDetails == null) { _countryDetails = GetCountryData(); } return _countryDetails; } } public IEnumerable<CountryData> GetCountryData() { var rand = new Random(0); var countryID = new[] { "CR001", "CR002", "CR003", "CR004", "CR005", "CR006" }; var countries = new[] { "US", "Germany", "UK", "Japan", "China", "India" }; var list = countries.Select((c, i) => { double sales = rand.Next(1, 6); double budget = rand.Next(1, 9); double expenses = rand.Next(1, 6); return new CountryData { ID = countryID[i], Country = c, Sales = sales, Budget = budget, Expenses = expenses }; }); return list; } } public class CountryData { public string ID { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } public double Sales { get; set; } public double Budget { get; set; } public double Expenses { get; set; } } } |
).C# |
using <ApplicationName>.Models;
DashboardController.cs |
public ActionResult Index() { DashboardData data = new DashboardData(); return View(data.CountryDetails); } |
.Index.cshtml |
@using <ApplicationName>.Models @using C1.Web.Mvc.Grid; @model IEnumerable<CountryData> <script type="text/javascript"> var popup, cmbChartType; function formatTile(sender, e) { var dashboard = sender, // DashboardLayoutコントロールを取得します tile = e.tile; // 書式設定されたタイルを取得します if (tile.headerText == 'Countrywise Sales') { // ヘッダータイトルを変更します var headerText = "Countrywise Sales for 2018"; e.headerElement.querySelector('span.title').innerText = headerText; // すべての内部項目をクリアします e.toolbar.clear(); AddChartTypeOption(e.toolbar);// DOMでチャートオプションを設定するためのツールバーに「Settings」項目を追加します。 AddExportOption(e.toolbar, e.tile);// ツールバーAPIでコンテンツをエクスポートするために、ツールバーにカスタム項目を追加します。 } } function AddChartTypeOption(toolbar) { var iconClose = document.createElement('img'); iconClose.title = 'Settings'; iconClose.alt = 'Settings'; = '6px'; = 'default'; iconClose.src = '@Href("~/Images/th.png")'; // 項目を最初の位置に挿入します var eleToolbar = toolbar.hostElement; eleToolbar.insertBefore(iconClose, eleToolbar.firstChild); iconClose.addEventListener('click', iconCloseClick); } function iconCloseClick() { // この項目がクリックされる場合、チャートの種類を指定するダイアログが表示されます。 if (!popup) { popup = new wijmo.input.Popup('#popup'); } if (!cmbChartType) { cmbChartType = new wijmo.input.ComboBox('#chartType', { itemsSource: ["Column", "Bar", "Scatter", "Line", "LineSymbols", "Area", "Spline", "SplineSymbols", "SplineArea"] }); } var countrywiseSalesChart = wijmo.Control.getControl('#countrywiseSalesChart'); if (countrywiseSalesChart) { cmbChartType.text = wijmo.chart.ChartType[countrywiseSalesChart.chartType]; }, function (e) { if (e.dialogResult == 'wj-hide-ok') { // チャートの種類を適用します var chart = wijmo.Control.getControl('#countrywiseSalesChart'); chart.chartType = wijmo.chart.ChartType[cmbChartType.text]; } }); } function AddExportOption(toolbar, tile) { var strExportIcon = '<img style="vertical-align:middle" src="@Href("~/Images/icon_export.png")" alt="Export" title="Export" />'; toolbar.insertToolbarItem({ icon: strExportIcon, title: 'Export', command: function () { var tileSelector = tile.content; var chartSelector = $(tileSelector).children()[0].id; var chart = wijmo.Control.getControl("#"+chartSelector); chart.saveImageToFile(chartSelector.substr(1) + '.png'); } }, 0); } <div style="position:absolute;left:-10000px; top:-10000px; visibility:hidden"> <div id="popup" class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="close wj-hide"> <span>×</span> </button> <h4 class="modal-title">ChartType</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="wj-labeled-input"> <input id="chartType" /> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary wj-hide-ok">OK</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default wj-hide">キャンセル</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <c1-dashboard-layout format-tile="formatTile" id="custom"> <c1-auto-grid-layout orientation="Vertical" max-rows-or-columns="6" cell-size="152"> <c1-auto-grid-group> <c1-auto-grid-tile header-text="Countrywise Sales" column-span="3" row-span="2"> <c1-flex-chart id="countrywiseSalesChart" binding-x="Country" chart-type="Bar" legend-position="Right"> <c1-flex-chart-axis c1-property="AxisY" title="in millions" format="g4,,"></c1-flex-chart-axis> <c1-flex-chart-tooltip content="<b>{seriesName}</b><br/>{x} {y:c0}"></c1-flex-chart-tooltip> <c1-chart-animation animation-mode="All" duration="1000" easing="Swing" /> <c1-items-source source-collection="@Model"></c1-items-source> <c1-flex-chart-series name="Sales" binding="Sales"></c1-flex-chart-series> <c1-flex-chart-series name="Expenses" binding="Expenses"></c1-flex-chart-series> </c1-flex-chart> </c1-auto-grid-tile> </c1-auto-grid-group> </c1-auto-grid-layout> </c1-dashboard-layout> |