ASP.NET Core MVC コントロールヘルプ
コントロールの使用 > FlexGrid > FlexGridの使用 > Excelへの右から左へのコンテンツのエクスポート

FlexGrid allows export to Excel (.xlsx) file with Right-To-Left content. In MVC FlexGrid application, HTML accommodates RTL with the 'dir' attribute. Setting 'dir' to 'rtl' on any element causes the element's content to flow from right to left. With this feature, the file content is exported as is with the direction of grid content based on the dir attribute.

FlexGrid Export with RTL content

The following code showcases how you can export an XSLX file with Right-To-Left content. This example uses the sample code used in Quick Start

@using <ApplicationName>.Models
@model IEnumerable<Sale>

<style type="text/css">
    .grid {
        height: 500px;
        border: 2px solid #e0e0e0;
        font-family: Cambria;
        font-weight: bold;

    .checkbox-div {
        padding-left: 15px;
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: middle;

        .checkbox-div .checkbox {
            display: inline-block;
            vertical-align: middle;

<script src=""></script>
    var grid;
    c1.documentReady(function () {
        grid = wijmo.Control.getControl("#importExportFlexGrid");
        gridContainer = document.getElementById("gridContainer");
        isRTLCheckBox = document.getElementById("isRTLCheckBox");

    function exportGrid() {
        if (grid) {
  , { includeStyles: false }, 'FlexGrid.xlsx');

    function setRTL() {
        if (isRTLCheckBox.checked) {
            gridContainer.dir = "rtl";
        } else {
            gridContainer.dir = "ltr";
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
    <div class="form-inline well well-lg">
        <div><input type="checkbox" id="isRTLCheckBox" onclick="setRTL();" />IsFlexGridRTL</div>
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
    <div class="form-inline well well-lg">
        <a download="FlexGrid.xlsx" class="btn btn-default" id="exportBtn" onclick="exportGrid();">Export</a>

@*FlexGrid をインスタンス化し、そのプロパティを設定します。*@
<div id="gridContainer">
<c1-flex-grid id="importExportFlexGrid" auto-generate-columns="false" width="800px" class="grid"
    is-read-only="true" allow-add-new="true" allow-sorting="true"              
    selection-mode="@((SelectionMode.Cell))" >
    <c1-items-source source-collection="@Model"></c1-items-source>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="ID"></c1-flex-grid-column>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="開始日"></c1-flex-grid-column>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="製品名"></c1-flex-grid-column>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="金額" format="c"></c1-flex-grid-column>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="割引" format="p0"></c1-flex-grid-column>
    <c1-flex-grid-column binding="アクティブ"></c1-flex-grid-column>