FlexGrid supports template functions in columns which allows you to call functions at runtime to create custom cells. It can be used to create several types of simple and useful cells, such as button, hyperlink, image, rating and sparkline columns using the client side CellMaker. For example, you can create a rating cell by creating a FlexGrid column and assign a template-function name of a client side function that uses the CellMaker.makeRating client side method.
The following example showcases the creation of all the types of custom cells in FlexGrid columns, which includes button, hyperlink, image, rating and sparkline. The example uses Sale.cs model added in the Quick Start Section.
CellMarkerController.cs |
public ActionResult Index() { return View(Sale.GetData(50)); } |
Index.cshtml |
@model IEnumerable<Sale> @section Styles{ <style> .star-highlighted { color: orange; } .star-dimmed { color: lightgray; } .wj-cell.wj-cell-maker label{ padding: 0; } /* 内部IMG要素ではなく、セルに書式設定を適用する画像*/ .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.cell-img { padding: 0; text-align: center; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.cell-img:hover { z-index: 1; overflow: visible; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.cell-img:hover img { transform: scale(3); transition: all 600ms; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell img.wj-cell-maker{ width: auto; } /* 評価記号/色/サイズをカスタマイズします */ .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-cell-maker.wj-radio-map.custom-rating label { width: .25em; color: green; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-cell-maker.wj-radio-map.custom-rating label:after { transform: scale(12); content: '\2b24'; } </style> } @section Scripts{ <script type="text/javascript"> function rankFormatter(panel, r, c, cell) { if (panel.columns[c].header === "Rank") { cell.style.textAlign = ""; if (panel.cellType === wijmo.grid.CellType.Cell) { cell.innerHTML = buildRank(panel.getCellData(r, c)); } } } function buildRank(rank) { var markup = "", j, starType; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { starType = j < rank ? "star star-highlighted" : "star star-dimmed"; markup += "<span class='" + starType + "'>\u2605</span>"; } return markup; } function createButton(CellMaker) { return CellMaker.makeButton({ text: '<b>${item.Country}</b> Button', click: function (e, ctx) { alert('Clicked Button ** ' + ctx.item.Country + ' **'); } }); } function createHyperlink(CellMaker) { return CellMaker.makeLink({ text: 'Visit <b>${item.Country}</b>', href: '${item.Url}', attributes: { target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', tabIndex: -1 } }); } function createImage(CellMaker) { return CellMaker.makeImage({ label: 'image for ${item.Country}', click: function (e, ctx) { alert('Clicked image for ' + ctx.item.Country); } }); } function createRating(CellMaker) { return CellMaker.makeRating({ range: [0, 5], label: 'Edit Product Rating' }); } function createSparkline(CellMaker) { return CellMaker.makeSparkline({ markers: wijmo.grid.cellmaker.SparklineMarkers.High | wijmo.grid.cellmaker.SparklineMarkers.Low, label: '${item.Country} sales history line chart', }); } </script> } <c1-flex-grid id="customCellFlexGrid" auto-generate-columns="false" is-read-only="false" class="grid" item-formatter="rankFormatter"> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="ID" is-read-only="true" width="50"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Country" width="80"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Product" width="80"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Amount" width="100" template="<span class=${item.Amount > 1000 ? 'bg-info' : 'bg-danger'}>${text}</span>"> </c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column header="Trends" is-read-only="true" align="center"> <c1-flex-grid-cell-template> <c1-flex-chart width="100px" height="20px" style="padding:0px" binding-x="Month" template-bindings="@(new {ItemsSource="Trends"})"> <c1-flex-chart-axis c1-property="AxisX" position="None"></c1-flex-chart-axis> <c1-flex-chart-axis c1-property="AxisY" position="None"></c1-flex-chart-axis> <c1-flex-chart-series binding="Data"></c1-flex-chart-series> </c1-flex-chart> </c1-flex-grid-cell-template> </c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Rank" is-read-only="true" width="90" align="center"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Country" header="CellMaker Button" width="150" align="center" template-function="createButton"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Country" header="CellMaker Hyperlink" width="180" template-function="createHyperlink"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Img" header="CellMaker Image" width="140" css-class-all="cell-img" template-function="createImage"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="Rank" header="CellMaker Rating" width="150" align="center" css-class-all="custom-rating" template-function="createRating"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-flex-grid-column binding="History" header="CellMaker Sparkline" width="180" template-function="createSparkline"></c1-flex-grid-column> <c1-items-source read-action-url="@Url.Action("CustomCells_Bind")"></c1-items-source> </c1-flex-grid> |