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IC1ReportExternalRecordset インターフェース

C1.C1Report.4 アセンブリ > C1.C1Report 名前空間 : IC1ReportExternalRecordset インターフェース
Represents an external record set residing in a separate assembly.

If an assembly contains a type supporting this interface, that assembly and type can be selected in the report designer as the data source for a report. A reference to that type and the record set initialization parameters (see Params) are then saved in the XML report definition file. When the report is loaded, the recordset object is created based on the saved info, and used as the data source for the report.

オブジェクト モデル
IC1ReportExternalRecordset インターフェース
Public Interface IC1ReportExternalRecordset 
public interface IC1ReportExternalRecordset 

IC1ReportExternalRecordset メンバ
C1.C1Report 名前空間