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RtfLabelFilter クラス

C1.C1Report.4 アセンブリ > C1.C1Report 名前空間 : RtfLabelFilter クラス
Class is used with the C1Report.RenderToFilter method to render reports into RTF (rich text format) streams or files.
オブジェクト モデル
RtfLabelFilter クラス
Public Class RtfLabelFilter 
   Inherits RtfFilter
public class RtfLabelFilter : RtfFilter 

This filter is similar to the plain RtfFilter, except if generates RTF fields with absolute positioning. The resulting files are more accurate than the ones created with the plain RTF filter, but they are harder to edit and can only be opened in Microsoft Word (WordPad and other simple editors do not support RTF absolute positioning).

Creating an RtfLabelFilter and using it in a call to the C1Report.RenderToFilter method is similar to using the C1Report.RenderToFile or C1Report.RenderToStream methods, but offers some extra flexibility because you can set properties on the RtfLabelFilter before calling RenderToFilter.




RtfLabelFilter メンバ
C1.C1Report 名前空間