BarCode for ASP.NET Web Forms
CDNDependencyPaths プロパティ

C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.4 アセンブリ > C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls 名前空間 > C1TargetControlBase クラス : CDNDependencyPaths プロパティ
A string array value specifies all css/js references that wijmo control depends on.
Public Overridable Property CDNDependencyPaths As System.String()
public virtual System.string[] CDNDependencyPaths {get; set;}
Using this property, user can specify the CDN dependencies(such as jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery mobile, bootstrap). If some dependencies are set in this property, wijmo controls will find dependencies path in this property. If found, use the path to load dependency, otherwise, use the default CDN path. For example, if user wants to specify the dependencies of jQuery and jQuery UI, he can set the value like this: ["", ""]

C1TargetControlBase クラス
C1TargetControlBase メンバ