Blazor コントロール
コントロール > FlexChart > 注釈


The annotations may be attached to specific data points or to arbitrary points in data or page coordinates and have common properties as shown in the following table:

Annotation Properties Description

アタッチの方法を設定します。詳細については、次の「Annotation Attachments」セクションを参照してください。

Content Sets the annotation's textual content.

AnnotationPosition 列挙を使用してアタッチポイントに対する位置を設定します。

Location Sets the location of the annotation.


PointIndex 注釈のデータポイントインデックスを設定します。attachmentプロパティがDataIndexに設定されている場合にのみ適用されます。
SeriesIndex 注釈のデータ系列インデックスを設定します。attachmentプロパティがDataIndexに設定されている場合にのみ適用されます。
ContentStyle Sets the style of the annotation's content.
Style Sets the style properties that specifies styling attributes.
TooltipText Sets the tooltip of the annotation.


FlexChartの注釈は、次のアタッチ方法をサポートしています。To specify the annotation attachment in FlexChart, you can use the Attachment property and set it to any of the following values using the AnnotationAttachment enumeration.



  1. チャートにアタッチするAnnotationLayerを作成します。
  2. このレイヤに楕円、四角形、画像、テキストなどの注釈オブジェクトを設定します。
  3. 各注釈のAttachmentプロパティを設定して、注釈をどのようにチャートにアタッチするかを決定します。
  4. 注釈がポイントにアタッチされる場合は、注釈にPointIndexSeriesIndex などの追加プロパティを設定します。

The following code demonstrates how to add annotations to a FlexChart using the above steps. In this example, the annotations are used to display plot quadrants as well as country flags as shown in the image below.

Blazor FlexChart Annotation

@using C1.Chart;
@using C1.Blazor.Chart;
@using C1.Chart.Annotation;
@using C1.Blazor.Chart.Annotation;
@using System.Drawing;
@using System.IO;
@using System.Reflection;

<FlexChart @ref="chart" Class="chart" ChartType="ChartType.Scatter"
           BindingX="GDP" Binding="Happiness,Population" ItemsSource="Data"
           HeaderContent="Happiness vs GDP per capita (Top 50 countries by population) | 2017 | Source: The World Bank">
        <Series />
        <Axis Min="600" Max="100000" AxisType="AxisType.X" LogBase="10" Position="Position.Bottom" AxisLine="false" MajorTickMarks="TickMark.None" />
        <Axis Min="2" Max="9" AxisType="AxisType.Y" Position="Position.Left" AxisLine="false" MajorTickMarks="TickMark.None" />

@code {
        FlexChart chart;

        GdpVsHappiness.CountryData[] Data;

protected override void OnInitialized()
        Data = GdpVsHappiness.GetData();

    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)

    void CreateAnnotations()
        var al = new AnnotationLayer(chart);

        var minx = chart.AxisX.Min;
        var maxx = chart.AxisX.Max;
        var medx = GdpVsHappiness.GdpMedian();

        var miny = chart.AxisY.Min;
        var maxy = chart.AxisY.Max;
        var medy = GdpVsHappiness.HappinessMedian();

        CreateQuadrant(al, 0, "Low GDP - Low satisfaction ??", "rgba(100,100,100,0.05)", minx, miny, medx - minx, medy - miny);
        CreateQuadrant(al, 2, "Low GDP - High satisfaction ??", "rgba(255,0,0,0.05)", minx, medy, medx - minx, maxy - medy);
        CreateQuadrant(al, 1, "High GDP - Low satisfaction ??", "rgba(0,0,255,0.05)", medx, miny, maxx - medx, medy - miny);
        CreateQuadrant(al, 3, "High GDP - High satisfaction ??", "rgba(0,255,0,0.05)", medx, medy, maxx - medx, maxy - medy);

        var len = Data.Length;
        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var item = Data[i];
            var sz = 16;
            var path = string.Format("{0}/{1}.png", sz, item.Code);
            var img = new C1.Blazor.Chart.Annotation.Image(path, sz, sz);
            img.Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataIndex;
            img.PointIndex = i;
            img.TooltipText = item.Country;

    void CreateQuadrant(AnnotationLayer al, int i, string s, string clr, double x, double y, double w, double h)
        var el = new C1.Blazor.Chart.Annotation.Polygon();
        el.Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate;

        el.Points.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)y));
        el.Points.Add(new PointF((float)(x + w), (float)y));
        el.Points.Add(new PointF((float)(x + w), (float)(y + h)));
        el.Points.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)(y + h)));

        el.Style = string.Format("background:{0};color:white;", clr);


        var text = new Text(s);
        text.Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate;
        text.Position = AnnotationPosition.Right;

        switch (i)
            case 0:
                text.Location = new PointF((float)(x + 100), (float)y + 0.5f);
            case 1:
                text.Position = AnnotationPosition.Left;
                text.Location = new PointF((float)(x + w - 10000), (float)y + 0.5f);
            case 2:
                text.Location = new PointF((float)(x + 100), (float)(y + h - 0.5));
            case 3:
                text.Position = AnnotationPosition.Left;
                text.Location = new PointF((float)(x + w - 10000), (float)(y + h - 0.5f));


    public class GdpVsHappiness
        public class CountryData
            public string Country { get; set; }
            public string Code { get; set; }
            public double GDP { get; set; }
            public double Happiness { get; set; }
            public double Population { get; set; }

        static CountryData[] _data;

        static CountryData[] ReadData()
            using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("../Data/GdpVsHappiness.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                    return System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CountryData[]>(sr.ReadToEnd());

        public static CountryData[] GetData()
            if (_data == null)
                _data = ReadData();

            return _data;

        public static double GdpMedian()
            return Median(GetData().Select(o => o.GDP));

        public static double HappinessMedian()
            return Median(GetData().Select(o => o.Happiness));

        static double Median(IEnumerable<double> source)
            var data = source.OrderBy(n => n).ToArray();
            if (data.Length % 2 == 0)
                return (data[data.Length / 2 - 1] + data[data.Length / 2]) / 2.0;
            return data[data.Length / 2];