TimeEditor provides various options to customize the appearance of the TimeEditor control and all its elements individually, so that you can style and display the TimeEditor control as per your requirement. The C1TimeEditor class provides several properties such as DropDownBehavior, CollapsedButtonIcon and ExpandedButtonIcon which offers different ways of customizing the appearance of the TimeEditor control.
The following code demonstrates the use of the available appearance customization properties to change the appearance of the TimeEditor control.
C# |
<C1TimeEditor Value="DateTime.Today" DropDownBehavior="DropDownBehavior.HeaderTap" ClockType="@ClockType.Type24"> <CollapsedButtonIcon> <span class="oi oi-timer"></span> </CollapsedButtonIcon> <ExpandedButtonIcon> <span class="oi oi-timer"></span> </ExpandedButtonIcon> </C1TimeEditor> |