The following tables lists the operators and functions supported by the VBAEngine and ExcelEngine:
Name | Syntax | Description |
True | True | Returns True. |
False | False | Returns False. |
Nothing | Nothing | Returns Null. |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Plus | + | Adds two numbers |
Concat | & | Generates a string concatenation of two expressions |
Minus | - | Finds the difference between two numbers or indicates the negative value of a numeric expression |
Multiply | * | Multiplies two numbers |
Divide | / | Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result |
Modulus | Mod | Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder |
Equal | = | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left and right expressions are equal |
GreaterThan | > | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is greater than right expression |
LessThan | < | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is less than right expression |
NotEqual | <> | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left and right expressions are not equal |
GreaterOrEqual | >= | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is greater than right expression or equal |
LessOrEqual | <= | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is less than right expression or equal |
And | And | Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions |
Or | Or | Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions |
Not | Not | Performs logical negation on an expression |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Average | Average(value...valueN) | Computes the average of a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Count | Count(value...valueN) | Gets the number of elements actually contained in a specified sequence |
First | First(value...valueN) | Returns the first element of a specified sequence |
Last | Last(value...valueN) | Returns the last element of a specified sequence |
Max | Max(value...valueN) | Returns the maximum value in a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Min | Min(value...valueN) | Returns the minimum value in a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Sum | Sum(value...valueN) | Computes the sum of a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Replace | Replace(string, oldValue, newValue) | Replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another string value |
RSet | RSet(string, length) | Returns a new string of a specified length in which the end of the current string is padded with spaces |
RSet | RSet(string, length, char) | Returns a new string of a specified length in which the end of the current string is padded with a specified character |
Remove | Remove(string, start) | Deletes all specified characters specified string |
Remove | Remove(string, start, count) | Deletes all specified characters specified string, beginning at a specified position |
LSet | LSet(string, length) | Returns a new string of a specified length in which the beginning of the current string is padded with spaces |
LSet | LSet(string, length, char) | Returns a new string of a specified length in which the beginning of the current string is padded with a specified character |
UCase | UCase(string) | Returns a character expression with lowercase character data converted to uppercase |
LCase | LCase(string) | Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase |
Insert | Insert(string, index, value) | Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance |
Len | Len(string) | Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression |
Trim | Trim(string) | Removes spaces from text |
StartsWith | StartsWith(string, value) | Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches a specified string |
StrReverse | StrReverse(string) | Returns the reverse order of a string value |
EndsWith | EndsWith(string, value) | Determines whether the end of this string instance matches a specified string |
Contains | Contains(string, value) | Returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within this string |
InStr | InStr(string, value) | Searches an expression for another expression and returns its starting position if found |
InStr | InStr(string, value, start) | Searches an expression for another expression and returns its starting position if found, starting from the specified position |
Mid | Mid(string, start) | Returns a string that contains all the characters starting from a specified position in a string |
Mid | Mid(string, start, length) | Returns a string that contains a specified number of characters starting from a specified position in a string |
Chr | Chr(string) | Converts an int ASCII code to a character |
Asc | Asc(string) | Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression |
Concat | Concat(string, value...valueN) | Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more string values |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Now | Now() | Gets a System.DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the local time |
Today | Today() | Gets the current date |
AddDays | AddDays(date, days) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of days to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddHours | AddHours(date, hours) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of hours to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddMilliSeconds | AddMilliSeconds(date, milliseconds) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of milliseconds to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddMinutes | AddMinutes(date, minutes) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of minutes to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddMonths | AddMonths(date, months) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of months to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddSeconds | AddSeconds date, seconds) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of seconds to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddTicks | AddTicks(date, ticks) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of ticks to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddTimeSpan | AddTimeSpan(date, timespan) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of System.TimeSpan to the specified System.DateTime value |
AddYears | AddYears(date, years) | Returns a new System.DateTime that adds the specified number of years to the specified System.DateTime value |
DateDiffDay | DateDiffDay(date1, date2) | Counts the number of day boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
DateDiffHour | DateDiffHour(date1, date2) | Counts the number of hour boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
DateDiffMilliSecond | DateDiffMilliSecond(date1, date2) | Counts the number of milliseconds boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
DateDiffMinute | DateDiffMinute(date1, date2) | Counts the number of minutes boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
DateDiffSecond | DateDiffSecond(date1, date2) | Counts the number of seconds boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
DateDiffTick | DateDiffTick(date1, date2) | Counts the number of ticks boundaries between two non-nullable dates |
GetDate | GetDate (date) | Gets the date component of specified System.DateTime value |
GetDay | GetDay(date) | Gets the day of the month represented by specified System.DateTime value |
GetDayOfWeek | GetDayOfWeek(date) | Gets the day of the week represented by the specified System.DateTime value |
GetDayOfYear | GetDayOfYear(date) | Gets the day of the year represented by the specified System.DateTime value |
GetHour | GetHour(date) | Gets the hour component of the specified System.DateTime value |
GetMilliSecond | GetMilliSecond(date) | Gets the milliSecond component of the specified System.DateTime value |
GetMinute | GetMinute(date) | Gets the minute component of the specified System.DateTime value |
GetMonth | GetMonth(date) | Gets the month component of the specified System.DateTime value |
GetSecond | GetSecond(date) | Gets the seconds component of the specified System.DateTime value |
GetTimeOfDay | GetTimeOfDay(date) | Gets he time of day for the specified System.DateTime value |
GetYear | GetYear(date) | Gets the year component of the specified System.DateTime value |
UtcNow | UtcNow() | Gets a System.DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
Name | Syntax | Description |
IsNull | IsNull(value) | Returns True if the specified Value is NULL |
Iif | Iif(condition, resultTrue, resultFalse) | Returns the evaluation of one of two expressions, depending on the condition |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Abs | Abs(number) | Returns the absolute value of a number |
Round | Round(value, digits) | Rounds a double-precision floating-point value to a specified number of fractional digits |
Acos | Acos(number) | Returns he angle whose cosine is the specified number |
Asin | Asin(number) | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number |
Atan | Atan(number) | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number |
Atan2 | Atan2(x,y) | Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers |
Ceiling | Ceiling(number) | Returns the smallest integral value that's greater than or equal to the specified decimal or?double |
Cos | Cos(number) | Returns the cosine of the specified angle |
Cosh | Cosh(angle) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle |
Exp | Exp(power) | Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power |
Floor | Floor(number) | Returns the largest integer that's less than or equal to the specified decimal or?double number |
Log10 | Log10(number) | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number |
Log | Log(number) | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number |
Log | Log(number, base) | Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base |
Pow | Pow(number, power) | Returns a specified number raised to the specified power |
Rand | Rand() | Returns a nonnegative random number |
RandBetween | RandBetween (min, max) | Returns a random number within a specified range |
Sign | Sign(number) | Returns an integer value indicating the sign of a number |
Sin | Sin(angle) | Returns the sine of the specified angle |
Sinh | Sinh(angle) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle |
Sqrt | Sqrt(number) | Returns the square root of a specified number |
Tan | Tan(angle) | Returns the tangent of the specified angle |
Tanh | Tanh(angle) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle |
Name | Syntax | Description |
CBool | CBool(string) | Converts the specified string representation of a logical value to its System.Boolean equivalent, or throws an exception if the string is not equivalent to the value of System.Boolean.TrueString or System.Boolean.FalseString |
CByte | CByte(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its System.Byte equivalent |
CChar | CChar(string) | Converts the value of the specified string to its equivalent Unicode character |
CDate | CDate(string) | Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its System.DateTime equivalent |
CDbl | CDbl(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent |
CDec | CDec(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its System.Decimal equivalent |
CInt | CInt(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent |
CLng | CLng(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent |
CObj | CObj(value) | Returns the specified element as System.Object |
CSByte | CSByte(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent |
CShort | CShort(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent |
CSng | CSng(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent |
CStr | CStr(value) | Tries to evaluate the specified expression and return result as a string |
CType | CType(value,type) | Returns an object of the specified type and whose value is equivalent to the specified object |
CUint | CUint(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent |
CULong | CULong(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent |
CUShort | CUShort(string) | Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Plus |
+ |
Adds two numbers |
Concat |
& |
Generates a string concatenation of two expressions |
Minus |
- |
Finds the difference between two numbers or indicates the negative value of a numeric expression |
Multiply |
* |
Multiplies two numbers |
Divide |
/ |
Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result |
Equal |
= |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left and right expressions are equal |
GreaterThan |
> |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is greater than right expression |
LessThan |
< |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is less than right expression |
NotEqual |
<> |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left and right expressions are not equal |
GreaterOrEqual |
>= |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is greater than right expression or equal |
LessOrEqual |
<= |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the left expression is less than right expression or equal |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Average |
Average(value...valueN) |
Computes the average of a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Count |
Count(value...valueN) |
Gets the number of elements actually contained in a specified sequence |
Max |
Max(value...valueN) |
Returns the maximum value in a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Min |
Min(value...valueN) |
Returns the minimum value in a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Sum |
Sum(value...valueN) |
Computes the sum of a specified sequence of numbers (or enumerable) |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Char |
Char(string) |
Returns the character specified by the code number |
Code |
Code(char) |
Returns the character specified by the code number |
Concat |
Concat(string, value...valueN) |
Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more string values |
Find |
Find(value, string) |
Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive) |
Find |
Find(value, string, start) |
Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive). The search starts at a specified position. |
Left |
Left(string) |
Returns the left character from a text value |
Left |
Left(string, Length) |
Returns the leftmost characters from a text value |
Len |
Len(string) |
Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression |
Lower |
Lower(string) |
Converts text to lowercase |
Mid |
Mid(string, start) |
Returns a string that contains all the characters starting from a specified position in a string |
Mid |
Mid(string, start, Length) |
Returns a string that contains a specified number of characters starting from a specified position in a string |
Proper |
Proper(string) |
Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value |
Replace |
Replace(string, oldValue, newValue) |
Replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another string value |
Rept |
Rept(string, count) |
Repeats text a given number of times |
Right |
Right(string) |
Returns the right character from a text value |
Right |
Right(string, Length) |
Returns the rightmost characters from a text value |
Search |
Search(value, string) |
Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive) |
Search |
Search(value, string, start) |
Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive) The search starts at a specified position. |
Substitute |
Substitute(string, oldValue, newValu) |
Substitutes new text for old text in a text string |
Substitute |
Substitute(string, oldValue, newValu, index) |
Substitutes new text for old text in a text string for specified position of old text instance |
T |
T(string) |
Converts its arguments to text |
Trim |
Trim(string) |
Removes spaces from text |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Now |
Now() |
Gets a System.DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the local time |
Today |
Today() |
Gets the current date |
Name | Syntax | Description |
If |
If(condition, resultTrue, resultFalse) |
Specifies a logical test to perform |
And |
And(value...valueN) |
Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE |
Or |
Or(value...valueN) |
Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE |
Not |
Not(value) |
Reverses the logic of its argument |
True |
True() |
Returns the logical value TRUE |
False |
False() |
Returns the logical value FALSE |
Name | Syntax | Description |
Abs |
Abs(number) |
Returns the absolute value of a number |
Acos |
Acos(number) |
Returns he angle whose cosine is the specified number |
Acosh |
Acosh(number) |
Returns the arccosine of a number |
Acot |
Acot(number) |
Returns the arccotangent of a number |
Acoth |
Acoth(number) |
Returns he hyperbolic arccotangent of a number |
Asin |
Asin(number) |
Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number |
Asinh |
Asinh(number) |
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number |
Atan |
Atan(number) |
Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number |
Atanh |
Atanh(number) |
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. |
Atan2 |
Atan2(x,y) |
Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers |
Ceiling |
Ceiling(number) |
Returns the smallest integral value that's greater than or equal to the specified decimal or?double |
Cos |
Cos(number) |
Returns the cosine of the specified angle |
Cosh |
Cosh(angle) |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle |
Cot |
Cot(angle) |
Returns the cotangent of an angle |
Coth |
Coth(angle) |
Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number |
Csc |
Csc(angle) |
Returns the cosecant of an angle |
Csch |
Csch(angle) |
Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle |
Degrees |
Degrees(angle) |
'Converts radians to degrees |
Exp |
Exp(power) |
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power |
Fact |
Fact(number) |
Returns the factorial of a number |
Factdouble |
Factdouble(number) |
Returns the double factorial of a number |
Floor |
Floor(number) |
Returns the largest integer that's less than or equal to the specified decimal or?double number |
Log10 |
Log10(number) |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number |
Log |
Log(number) |
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number |
Log |
Log(number, base) |
Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base |
Int |
Int(number) |
Rounds a number down to the nearest integer |
Ln |
Ln(number, base) |
Returns the natural logarithm of a number |
Mod |
Mod(number, number) |
Returns the remainder from division |
Pi |
Pi() |
Returns the value of pi |
Pow |
Pow(number, power) |
Returns a specified number raised to the specified power |
Quotient |
Quotient(number, number) |
Returns the integer portion of a division |
Rand |
Rand() |
Returns a nonnegative random number |
RandBetween |
RandBetween (min, max) |
Returns a random number within a specified range |
Radians |
Radians(number) |
Converts degrees to radians |
RoundDown |
RoundDown(number, number) |
Rounds a number down, toward zero |
RoundUp |
RoundUp(number, number) |
Rounds a number up, away from zero |
Sign |
Sign(number) |
Returns an integer value indicating the sign of a number |
Sin |
Sin(angle) |
Returns the sine of the specified angle |
Sinh |
Sinh(angle) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle |
Sqrt |
Sqrt(number) |
Returns the square root of a specified number |
Tan |
Tan(angle) |
Returns the tangent of the specified angle |
Tanh |
Tanh(angle) |
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle |
Trunc |
Trunc(number, number) |
Truncates a number to an integer |