C1.DataConnector.AdoNet 名前空間 (C1.AdoNet.GoogleAnalytics)
C1.AdoNet.GoogleAnalytics アセンブリ : C1.DataConnector.AdoNet 名前空間
クラスThe command base class used by all C1DataConnector.AdoNet providers.
クラスThe generic version of the command base class used by all C1DataConnector.AdoNet providers.
クラスAutomatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a System.Data.DataSet with the associated database. This is an abstract class that can only be inherited.
クラスAutomatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a System.Data.DataSet with the associated database. This is an abstract class that can only be inherited.
クラスThe connection base class for all C1DataConnector.AdoNet providers
クラスThe generic version of the connection base class for all C1DataConnector.AdoNet providers
クラスThe base class for a custom System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter
クラスThe base class for a custom C1DataAdapterBase with System.Data.Common.DbCommand as a generic input type
クラスReads a forward-only stream of rows from a data source specially adapted for C1DataConnector.
クラスProvides data for the RowUpdated event of a data provider.
クラスProvides the data for the RowUpdating event of a data provider.
デリゲートThe delegate method handles the row updated event
デリゲートThe delegate method handles the row updating event

C1.AdoNet.GoogleAnalytics アセンブリ