Name Type Read Only Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the account.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
Name string false true The name of the account. To create an account, you must provide a unique account name. Default accounts are created for new companies.
SubAccount boolean false true This value is true if the account is a sub account, and false or null if it is a top-level account.
ParentRef string false true The Id of the parent account.
ParentRef_Name string true false The name of the parent account.
FullyQualifiedName string true false The fully qualified name of the account. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each sub element and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2.
Description string false true The description for the account. This may contain notes on the types of journal entries that should be posted to this account.
Active boolean false true This field sets whether or not the account is active. Inactive accounts cannot be posted to and are excluded from search results, although references to them are preserved.
Classification string false true The account classification.
AccountType string false true The account type or sub classification that determines how the account is used. This field is indexed by the account classification.
AccountSubType string false false The account subtype. This field is indexed by the AccountType field.
AcctNum string false false A user-defined account number that identifies the account within the chart of accounts and notes the information that should be posted to the account.
CurrentBalance decimal true true The current balance. This field is available for only balance sheet accounts.
CurrentBalanceWithSubAccounts decimal true false The cumulative current balance amount for the account and all its sub accounts.
CurrencyRef string false false The Id of the currency used by the account.
CurrencyRef_Name string true false A name that identifies the currency used by the account.
TaxCodeRef string false false The ID of the associated Tax Code. This ID can be used with the TaxCodes view to find more information about the associated tax. Only available in International versions of QuickBooks Online.
TaxCodeRef_Name string true false A name of the associated Tax Code.