Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the credit card payment.
SyncToken string true false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true Time the entity was created in the source domain.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true Time the entity was last updated in the source domain.
TxnDate date true true The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
CurrencyRef string true false The currency entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
CurrencyRef_Name string true false The name of the currency entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
ExchangeRate decimal true false The exchange rate when this transaction occurred.
CreditCardAccountRef string true false Identifies the credit card account to which funds are transfered.
CreditCardAccountRef_Name string true false The name of the credit card account to which funds are transfered.
BankAccountRef string true false Identifies the bank account from which funds are transfered.
BankAccountRef_Name string true false The name of the bank account from which funds are transfered.
Amount decimal true false Indicates the total amount of the transaction.