Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the invoice.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
TxnDate date false true The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
PrivateNote string false false A private note that does not appear on the transaction records.
Line string false false A json aggregate of line items associated with the transaction.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef string false false The tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef_Name string true false The name of the tax code for the transaction. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax string false false The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLine string false false A json aggregate of tax line items. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
DepositToAccountRef string false false The Id of the asset account to be used for this deposit.
DepositToAccountRef_Name string false false The name of the asset account to be used for this deposit.
ClassRef string false false The Id of the class associated with the transaction.
ClassRef_Name string true false The name of the class associated with the transaction.
TotalAmt decimal true true This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes.
CashBack_AccountRef string true true The asset account (bank account) Id to be used for this cash back transaction
CashBack_AccountRef_Name string false false The asset account (bank account) Name to be used for this cash back transaction
CashBack_Amount decimal false false The amount of the cash back transaction.
CashBack_Memo string true true The memo associated with this cash back transaction.
DepartmentRef string false false The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online.
DepartmentRef_Name string true false The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online.
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount boolean false false This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated.
CurrencyRef string false false The Id of the currency used in the transaction.
CurrencyRef_Name string true false The name of the currency used in the transaction.
GlobalTaxCalculation string false false The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.