Name Type Dimension Default Metric Default Dimension Description
Date String True False False The session date formatted as YYYYMMDD.
Year Int32 True False False The session year. A four-digit year starting from 2005 to the current year.
Month Int32 True False False The session month. An integer from 01 to 12.
Week Int32 True False False The session week wherein a week starts on Sunday. A number from 01 to 53.
Day Int32 True False False The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31.
Hour Int32 True False False An hour of the day starting from 00 to 23 in the configured time zone for the account. This value is also adjusted for the daylight savings time.
Campaign String True True False The value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter when manual campaign tracking is used. However, this value is the online ad campaign name(s) that you use for the property when using AdWords autotagging. Otherwise, this value is not set.
Sessions Int32 False True False This counts the total number of sessions.
Users Int32 False True False Total number of users for the property during the requested time period.
OrganicSearches Int32 False True False The number of organic searches that happened within a session which provides a search-engine agnostic metric.
GoalValueAll Double False True False The total numeric value for all the goals defined for the profile.
TransactionRevenue Decimal False True False The total sale revenue given in the transaction, except shipping and tax.
AdSenseRevenue Decimal False True False The total revenue from AdSense ads.
AdSenseAdsClicks Int32 False True False The number of times AdSense ads were clicked on your site.
AdSensePageImpressions Int32 False True False The number of page views during the display time of an AdSense ad wherein a page impression may have multiple ad units.
StartDate String False False True The start date for fetching Analytics data with a date string or a relative date (for example, today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).
EndDate String False False True The end date for fetching Analytics data with a date string or a relative date (for example, today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).