Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id String True False The id of the profile.
Kind String True False The type of resource for Analytics profile.
SelfLink String True False The link for the profile.
AccountId String True False The Account Id of the profile.
WebPropertyId String True False Profile's web property Id of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.
InternalWebPropertyId String True False Profile's internal Id for the Web property.
Name String True False The name of the profile.
Currency String True False The currency type associated with the profile.
Timezone String True False The time zone for which the profile is configured.
WebsiteURL String True False The profile's Website URL.
DefaultPage String True False The profile's default page.
ExcludeQueryParameters String True False The excluded query parameters from the profile.
SiteSearchQueryParameters String True False The profile's site search query parameters.
SiteSearchCategoryParameters String True False The profile's site search category parameters.
Type String True False The type of the profile.
Permissions String True False All the permissions of the profile available to the user which includes any implied permissions.
Created DateTime True False The time the profile was created.
Updated DateTime True False The time the profile was last updated.
eCommerceTracking Boolean True False This specifies whether e-commerce tracking is enabled for the profile.
ParentLink String True False The parent link for the profile that points to the Web property of the profile.
ChildLink String True False The child link for the profile that points to the list of goals for the profile.