Name Type Dimension Default Metric Default Dimension Description
Date String True False False The session date formatted as YYYYMMDD.
Year Int32 True False False The session year with a four-digit year starting from 2005 to the current year.
Month Int32 True False False The session month with an integer from 01 to 12.
Week Int32 True False False The session week with a number from 01 to 53 wherein each week starts on Sunday.
Day Int32 True False False The day of the month with a number from 01 to 31.
Hour Int32 True False False An hour of the day starting from 00-23 in the configured time zone for the account. This value is also adjusted for daylight savings time.
Language String True False False The browser language provided by the HTTP Request with values given as an ISO-639 code.
Country String True False False The country of users obtained from the IP addresses.
City String True False False The cities of property users obtained from the IP addresses.
Browser String True False False The browser names users use to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Chrome.
OperatingSystem String True False False The OS used by your users. For example, Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.
DeviceCategory String True False False The device type: desktop, tablet, or mobile.
ChannelGrouping String True False False The channel grouping for which the data is returned.
Source String True True False The source of referrals to the property
Medium String True True False The referrals types to your property.
UserType String True False False A boolean value indicating if a user is new or a returning user.
LandingPagePath String True False False The first page or landing page in a user session.
Campaign String True False False The value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter when using manual campaign tracking. The name(s) of the online ad campaign that you use for your property is the value when using AdWords autotagging. Otherwise, the value is not set.
SocialNetwork String True False False The social network name which can be related to the referring social network for traffic sources or to the social network for social data hub activities.
Sessions Int32 False True False The total number of sessions.
Users Int32 False True False The total number of users for the requested time period to your property.
PercentNewSessions Double False True False The sessions percentage by people who never visited your property before.
NewUsers Int32 False True False The number of users whose visit was marked as a first-time session to your property.
BounceRate Double False True False The percentage of a single-page session.
PageviewsPerSession Double False True False The average number of pages viewed on your property during a session.
AvgSessionDuration Double False True False The average duration of user sessions represented in total seconds.
GoalConversionRateAll Double False True False The sessions percentage that resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals.
Transactions Int32 False True False The total number of transactions.
RevenuePerTransaction Decimal False False False The average revenue for an e-commerce transaction.
TransactionRevenue Decimal False True False The total sale revenue provided in the transaction, without including shipping and tax.
TransactionRevenuePerSession Decimal False False False The average transaction revenue for a session on the property.
StartDate String False False True The start date for obtaining the Analytics data which is either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).
EndDate String False False True The end date for obtaining the Analytics data which is either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).