Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the journal entry.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
DocNumber string false true The reference number for the transaction.
TxnDate date false true The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
PrivateNote string false false A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.
Adjustment boolean false false The total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes.
Line string false false A json aggregate of the line items of a transaction.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef string false false The transaction tax code.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef_Name string true false The name associated to the transaction tax code.
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax string false false The total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list.
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLine string false false An XML aggregate of tax line items.
TotalAmt decimal true false The total amount of the transaction. Calculated by QuickBooks business logic; any value you supply is over-written by QuickBooks.
HomeTotalAmt decimal true false The total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
CurrencyRef string false false The Id of the currency used in the transaction.
CurrencyRef_Name string true false The name of the currency used in the transaction.
ExchangeRate decimal false false The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
TaxRateRef string false false The Id of the tax rate used in the transaction.
TaxRateRef_Name string true false The name of the tax rate used in the transaction.