Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true false The Id of the preference record.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true false The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true false The time the record was last updated.
AccountingInfoPrefs_TrackDepartments boolean false false This setting corresponds to the Track locations preference in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories.
AccountingInfoPrefs_DepartmentTerminology string false false Specifies the term used by the company for department. This string is used as a label on transaction forms.
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxnLine boolean false false These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On.
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxn boolean false false These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On.
AccountingInfoPrefs_CustomerTerminology string true false A value used for describing customers in the UI.
AccountingInfoPrefs_BookCloseDate date true false This setting corresponds to the Closing date preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings and specifies the date the books are closed: income and expense accounts are closed and net profit or loss is rolled up into the retained earnings account. Transactions before this date are protected from changes.
AccountingInfoPrefs_UseAccountNumbers boolean true false This setting corresponds to Enable account numbers in QuickBooks Online Company Settings.
AccountingInfoPrefs_FirstMonthOfFiscalYear string true false This setting corresponds to the First month of fiscal year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year.
AccountingInfoPrefs_TaxYearMonth string true false This setting corresponds to the First month of income tax year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year.
TaxPrefs_PartnerTaxEnabled boolean false false Partner tax refers to the automated sales tax engine that provides sales tax compliance.
TaxPrefs_UsingSalesTax boolean false false This field sets whether sales tax is enabled.
TaxPrefs_TaxGroupCodeRef string false false The first-used tax code on a sales form after a new sales tax center has been enabled.
CurrencyPrefs_MultiCurrencyEnabled string false false This field sets whether multicurrency is enabled for this company.
CurrencyPrefs_HomeCurrency string false false The currency code of the country where the business is located.
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForSales boolean false false This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Sales preference is enabled.
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForPurchase boolean false false This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Purchase preference is enabled.
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityWithPriceAndRate boolean false false This field indicates whether quantity with price and rate is enabled.
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityOnHand boolean true false This field indicates whether QuantityOnHand is enabled.
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDiscount boolean false false This field allows discounts to be specified.
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDeposit boolean false false Allows deposits to be specified.
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowShipping boolean false false Allows the use of Shipping Info fields.
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowServiceDate boolean false false Allows the use of Service Date fields.
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowEstimates boolean false false Allows the use of Estimate entities.
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomTxnNumbers boolean false false Sets whether custom transaction numbers can be specified.
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultTerms integer false false Default sales terms.
SalesFormsPrefs_EstimateMessage string false false Message to the customers on estimates.
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultDiscountAccount string false false Default discount account.
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultShippingAccount string false false Default shipping account.
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultCustomerMessage string false false Default customer message.
SalesFormsPrefs_IPNSupportEnabled boolean false false Enables support for IPN.
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionEnabledStatus string true false This field enables ETransaction status.
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionAttachPDF boolean false false This field indicates whether PDFs may be attached to ETransactions.
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionPaymentEnabled boolean false false This field indicates whether payment entities can be used with ETransactions.
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomField string false false A json aggregate of the custom fields for sales form entities.
SalesFormsPrefs_UsingProgressInvoicing boolean true false Enables Progress Invoicing.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByPreferences boolean false false Enables tracking by using settings in preferences.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByCustomer boolean false false Enables tracking using customer information.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_BillableExpenseTracking boolean false false Enables tracking using billable expense fields.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate date false false Sets the starting day of the work week.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_POCustomField string false false Defines PO custom fields.
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TPAREnabled boolean true false Indicates if TPAR enabled by customer.
TimeTrackingPrefs_UseServices boolean false false Enables time tracking services.
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillPreferences boolean false false Enables billing for time tracking entries.
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillCustomers boolean false false Enables time tracking services for the customer in a bill.
TimeTrackingPrefs_ShowBillRateToAll boolean false false Billing rate to all employees enabled.
TimeTrackingPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate string false false The starting day of the work week.
TimeTrackingPrefs_MarkTimeEntiresBillable boolean false false This field sets whether to mark time entries as billable.
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Subject string false false The subject portion of the default invoice message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Message string false false The message portion of the default invoice message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Subject string false false The subject portion of the default estimate message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Message string false false The message portion of the default estimate message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Subject string false false The subject portion of the default sales receipt message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Message string false false The message portion of the default sales receipt message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Subject string false false The subject portion of the default statement message.
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Message string false false The message portion of the default statement message.
OtherPrefs_NameValue string false false This field specifies an extension of the preference entity to allow name-value pairs in the custom fields at the top level.