Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the invoice.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
CustomField string false false A json aggregate of custom field information.
DocNumber string false true The reference number for the transaction.
TxnDate date false true The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
PrivateNote string false false A private note that does not appear on the transaction records.
LinkedTxn string false false A json aggregate of transactions linked to the refund receipt.
Line string false false A json aggregate of line items associated with the transaction.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef string false false The tax code of the transaction.
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef_Name string true false The name associated to the tax code of the transaction.
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax string false false Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list.
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLine string false false A json aggregate of tax line items.
CustomerRef string false true The Id of the customer.
CustomerRef_Name string true false The name of the customer.
CustomerMemo string false false The message to the customer that appears in the invoice and in the printed invoice.
BillAddr_Id string false false The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service.
BillAddr_Line1 string false false First line of the address.
BillAddr_Line2 string false false Second line of the address.
BillAddr_Line3 string false false Third line of the address.
BillAddr_Line4 string false false Fourth line of the address.
BillAddr_Line5 string false false Fifth line of the address.
BillAddr_City string false false City name.
BillAddr_Country string false false Country name.
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode string false false Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada.
BillAddr_PostalCode string false false Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada.
BillAddr_Note string false false Note for the customer.
BillAddr_Lat string false false The latitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address.
BillAddr_Long string false false The longitude coordinate of the geocoded billing address.
ShipAddr_Id string false false The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service.
ShipAddr_Line1 string false false First line of the address.
ShipAddr_Line2 string false false Second line of the address.
ShipAddr_Line3 string false false Third line of the address.
ShipAddr_Line4 string false false Fourth line of the address.
ShipAddr_Line5 string false false Fifth line of the address.
ShipAddr_City string false false City name.
ShipAddr_Country string false false Country name.
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode string false false Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA or the province name for Canada.
ShipAddr_PostalCode string false false Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada.
ShipAddr_Note string false false Note for the customer.
ShipAddr_Lat string false false The latitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address.
ShipAddr_Long string false false The longitude coordinate of the geocoded shipping address.
ClassRef string false false The Id of the class associated with the transaction.
ClassRef_Name string true false The name of the class associated with the transaction.
CheckPayment_CheckNum string true false The check number printed on the check.
CheckPayment_Status string false false Status of the check. Values provided by service/business logic.
CheckPayment_NameOnAccount string false false Name of persons or entities holding the account, as printed on the check.
CheckPayment_AcctNum string false false Checking account number, as printed on the check.
CheckPayment_BankName string true false The name of the bank on which the check was drawn.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_Type string false false The type of credit card.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_NameOnAcct string false false The name of the account holder, as printed on the card.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_CcExpiryMonth integer false false The expiration month of the card.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_CcExpiryYear integer false false The four-digit expiration year of the card.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_BillAddrStreet string false false The street of the billing address of the credit card holder.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_PostalCode string false false The postal code.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_Amount decimal false false The amount processed using the credit card
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeInfo_ProcessPayment boolean false false False or no value-Store credit card information only.True-Store credit card payment transaction information in CreditChargeResponse below.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeResponse_CCTransId string false false Unique identifier of the payment transaction.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeResponse_AuthCode string false false Code returned from the credit card processor to indicate that the charge will be paid by the card issuer.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeResponse_TxnAuthorizationTime datetime false false Timestamp indicating the time in which the card processor authorized the transaction.
CreditCardPayment_CreditChargeResponse_Status string false false Indicates the status of the payment transaction. Possible values include Completed, Unknown.
SalesTermRef string false false The Id of the sales term associated with the transaction.
SalesTermRef_Name string true false The name of the sales term associated with the transaction.
DueDate date false true The date when the invoice is to be paid, not including any early payment discount incentives or late payment penalties. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used.
ShipMethodRef string false false The Id of the shipping method associated with the transaction.
ShipMethodRef_Name string true false The name of the shipping method associated with the transaction.
ShipDate date false false The date for delivery of goods or services.
TotalAmt decimal true true This field indicates the total amount of the transaction. This includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes.
ApplyTaxAfterDiscount boolean false false This field sets whether discounts are applied before the tax is calculated.
DepartmentRef string false false The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online.
DepartmentRef_Name string true false The name of the department, which store the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online.
PrintStatus string false false The print status of the invoice.
BillEmail_Address string false false This field identifies the email address where the invoice is sent. If the value of EmailStatus is NeedToSend, BillEmail is a required input.
Balance decimal false false This field indicates whether the transaction is a finance charge.
PaymentMethodRef string false false The Id of the payment method associated with the transaction.
PaymentMethodRef_Name string true false The name of the payment method associated with the transaction.
PaymentRefNum string false false The reference number for the payment received.
PaymentType string false false The type of payment used for the transaction.
DepositToAccountRef string false false The asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account.
DepositToAccountRef_Name string true false The name of the asset account where the payment money is deposited. If you do not specify this account, QuickBooks Online uses the Undeposited Funds account.
CurrencyRef string false false The Id of the currency used in the transaction.
CurrencyRef_Name string true false The name of the currency used in the transaction.
ExchangeRate decimal false false The currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit.This field is available for the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
GlobalTaxCalculation string false false The method in which tax is applied. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
HomeTotalAmt decimal true false Total amount of the transaction in the home currency. Includes the total of all the charges, allowances, and taxes. This field is valid in the UK, AU, IN, and CA editions.
HomeBalance decimal true false Convenience field containing the amount in Balance expressed in terms of the home currency. Calculated by QuickBooks business logic. Value is valid only when CurrencyRef is specified.