Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] string true true The Id of the sales tax code.
SyncToken string false false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
Name string false true The name for the tax sales code.
Description string false true A description for the sales tax code. This field must not contain white space or formatting characters.
Active boolean false true This field sets whether the sales tax code entity is active. Inactive sales tax codes may be hidden from display and are not used on financial transactions.
Taxable boolean false false This field indicates that the sales tax code signifies a non-taxable entity if false or null (default) or a taxable entity if true.
TaxGroup boolean false false This field indicates whether the sales tax code is for a tax group.
SalesTaxRateList_TaxRateDetail string false false A json aggregate of sales tax rates.
PurchaseTaxRateList_TaxRateDetail string false false A json aggregate of purchase tax rates. This field available in only the UK, AU, CA, and IN editions.
TaxCodeConfigType string true false Flag to identify whether the TaxCode is system defined by Automated Sales Tax engine or user generated.