Name Minor Version Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] 47 string true true The Id of the tax payment.
SyncToken 47 string true false The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete.
MetaData_CreateTime 47 datetime true true The time the record was created.
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime 47 datetime true true The time the record was last updated.
Refund 47 boolean true false Indicate if this transaction is a refund. Returns false for the payment.
TxnDate 47 date true false Indicates the tax payment date.
PaymentAccountRef 47 string true false The ID for the referenced object as found in the Id field of the object payload.
PaymentAccountRef_Name 47 string true false An identifying name for the object being referenced by value and is derived from the field that holds the common name of that object. This varies by context and specific type of object referenced.
Description 47 string true false Specifies the Memo/Description added for this payment.
PaymentAmount 47 decimal true false Specifies the tax payment amount paid towards a filed tax return.