DataEngine supports time series functions useful in business calculations, where time-based summaries need to be created on period-to-date. The PeriodsToDate functions are time series functions that help you conveniently get information for any specific time, be it a month, year, quarter, or a week.
The DataEngine provides four types of PeriodsToDate functions:
Let's consider an example of the Pet License sample (located at the Documents\ComponentOne Samples\ServiceComponents\DataEngine\CS location). This sample uses DataEngine to analyze a dataset of animal pet licenses for the city of Seattle by species, calendar year, specific city names, etc. The PeriodsToDate functions become quite handy here. It makes extracting and filtering the licenses information less tedious and more productive. For instance, you can filter out the licenses data for a particular week, month, quarter, or year within just a couple of minutes.
Let's explore how to use these functions in detail:
The ColumnCondition class provides Ytd (YearToDate) function, which takes the DateTime object as an argument. The function returns a set of data starting from the beginning of the year (to which the month belongs) to the specified date. For example, if you pass "5 August 2017" as the parameter, then the function returns the values starting from the beginning of the year, that is, January 2017 to the specified date, that is, 5 August 2017.
Please note that if the functions are called without an argument, then the end date is DateTime.Now.
Use the below code snippet to retrieve the data, let's say starting from Jan 2017 to 5 August 2017.
C# |
// 年初から現在までの種ごとのライセンス数 (2017 年 8 月 5 日現在)。 if (!workspace.QueryExists("YearToDate")) { var when = new DateTime(2017, 8, 5); // すべてのベース テーブルの列と Ytd 演算子を使用した範囲式を含むクエリを作成します。 dynamic parent = workspace.query(new { _base = "*", _range = licenses.IssueDate.Ytd(when) }); // 上記の名前のないクエリから別のクエリを派生し、集計を実行します。 dynamic query = workspace.query("YearToDate", new { Species = parent.Species, Count = Op.Count(parent.Species) }); query.Query.Execute(); } |
You can also retrieve the data for the Fiscal Year by specifying the FiscalYearFirstMonth property of the Workspace class.
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// 現在までの会計年度の種ごとのライセンス数 (2017 年 8 月 5 日現在)。 if (!workspace.QueryExists("FiscalYearToDate")) { var when = new DateTime(2017, 8, 5); // 会計年度は 4 月に始まります。 workspace.FiscalYearFirstMonth = 4; // すべてのベース テーブルの列と Ytd 演算子を使用した範囲式を含むクエリを作成します。 dynamic parent = workspace.query(new { _base = "*", _range = licenses.IssueDate.Ytd(when) }); // 上記の名前のないクエリから別のクエリを派生し、集計を実行します。 dynamic query = workspace.query("FiscalYearToDate", new { Species = parent.Species, Count = Op.Count(parent.Species) }); query.Query.Execute(); } |
The ColumnCondition class provides Qtd (QuarterToDate) function, which takes the DateTime object as an argument. The function returns a set of values starting from the beginning of the quarter to which the month belongs to the specified date. For example, if you pass "5 Aug 2017" as the parameter, then the function returns the values starting from the beginning of the third quarter, that is, from July 2017 to the specified date.
Use the below code snippet to retrieve the data starting from July 2017 to August 2017, that is the third quarter.
C# |
// 現在までの四半期ごとの種ごとのライセンス数 (2017 年 8 月 5 日現在)。 if (!workspace.QueryExists("QuarterToDate")) { var when = new DateTime(2017, 8, 5); // すべてのベース テーブルの列と Qtd 演算子を使用した範囲式を含むクエリを作成します。 dynamic parent = workspace.query(new { _base = "*", _range = licenses.IssueDate.Qtd(when) }); // 上記の名前のないクエリから別のクエリを派生し、集計を実行します。 dynamic query = workspace.query("QuarterToDate", new { Species = parent.Species, Count = Op.Count(parent.Species) }); query.Query.Execute(); } |
The ColumnCondition class provides Mtd (MonthToDate) function takes DateTime object as an argument. The function returns the set of values starting from the beginning of the month to the specified date. For example, if you pass "5 August 2017" as the parameter, then the function returns the set of values starting from the beginning of the month to the specified date.
Use the below code snippet to retrieve the data starting from 1st August 2017 to 5th August 2017.
C# |
// 月初から現在までの種ごとのライセンス数 (2017 年 8 月 5 日現在)。 if (!workspace.QueryExists("MonthToDate")) { var when = new DateTime(2017, 8, 5); // すべてのベース テーブルの列と、Mtd 演算子を使用した範囲式を含むクエリを作成します。 dynamic parent = workspace.query(new { _base = "*", _range = licenses.IssueDate.Mtd(when) }); // 上記の名前のないクエリから別のクエリを派生し、集計を実行します。 dynamic query = workspace.query("MonthToDate", new { Species = parent.Species, Count = Op.Count(parent.Species) }); query.Query.Execute(); } |
The ColumnCondition class provides Wtd (WeekToDate) function, which takes the DateTime object as an argument. The function returns a set of values starting from the beginning of the week to the specified date. For example, if you pass "5 August 2017" as the parameter, then the function returns the values starting from the beginning of that week, that is 31st July 2017 to the specified date, that is, 5th August 2017.
Use the below code snippet to retrieve the data of the first week of August 2017.
C# |
// 現在までの週の種ごとのライセンス数 (2017 年 8 月 5 日現在)。 if (!workspace.QueryExists("WeekToDate")) { var when = new DateTime(2017, 8, 5); // すべてのベース テーブルの列と Wtd 演算子を使用した範囲式を含むクエリを作成します。 dynamic parent = workspace.query(new { _base = "*", _range = licenses.IssueDate.Wtd(when) }); // 上記の名前のないクエリから別のクエリを派生し、集計を実行します。 dynamic query = workspace.query("WeekToDate", new { Species = parent.Species, Count = Op.Count(parent.Species) }); query.Query.Execute(); } |