Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with ComponentOne Studio.
Please refer to pre-installed product samples through the following path:
Documents\ComponentOne Samples\ServiceComponents\TextParser\CS
The following samples are available C1TextParser library using different techniques:
C# Samples
Sample |
Description |
HtmlExtractor |
The following samples are available using HTMLExtractor in TextParser:
- ECommerceOrder: Extracting customer information and order details from e-commerce confirmation mails.
- EmailParserWebApp: This sample allows the user to import HTML, creating templates, and extraction of sources using specific templates. The user doesn't need to define the XPath or starting text of the place holders here as this sample uses "point & click" approach for the same.
- FlightETicket: Extracting booking information of Eticket from flight confirmation emails.
StartsAfterContinuesUntilExtractor |
The following samples are available using StartsAfterContinuesUntil Extractor in TextParser:
- ExtractComments: Extracting comments from a code snippet using regular expressions.
- ExtractQuotedText: Extracting quoted text from a book extract using regular expressions.
- ExtractorEditor: Extracting text from PDF/DOCX file using C1Document and extracting specific piece of information using TextParserWrapper then display using C1FlexGrid.
TemplateBasedExtractor |
The following samples are available using TemplateBasedExtractor in Text Parser:
- ExtractErrorLogs: Extracting Error logs from a log file using XML template.
- ExtractUsersInfo: Extracting specific user information from a detailed information list using XML template.
- ExtractorEditor: Extracting text from PDF/DOCX file using C1Document and extracting specific piece of information using TextParserWrapper then display using C1FlexGrid.