Bitmap for UWP
SetGraph メソッド (CustomEffect)

C1.UWP.DX アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.Direct2D 名前空間 > CustomEffect インターフェース : SetGraph メソッド
The graph to which the effect describes its transform topology through the SetDescription call..
The renderer calls this method to provide the effect implementation with a way to specify its transform graph and transform graph changes. The renderer calls this method when: 1) When the effect is first initialized. 2) If the number of inputs to the effect changes.
Function SetGraph( _
   ByVal transformGraph As TransformGraph _
) As System.Integer SetGraph( 
   TransformGraph transformGraph


The graph to which the effect describes its transform topology through the SetDescription call..

CustomEffect インターフェース
CustomEffect メンバ