Bitmap for UWP
SetGlyphOrientation メソッド (TextAnalysisSink1)

C1.UWP.DX アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite 名前空間 > TextAnalysisSink1 インターフェース : SetGlyphOrientation メソッド

The starting position to report from.

Number of UTF-16 units of the reported range.

A GlyphOrientationAngle -typed value that specifies the angle of the glyphs within the text range (pass to TextAnalyzer1.GetGlyphOrientationTransform to get the world relative transform).

The adjusted bidi level to be used by the client layout for reordering runs. This will differ from the resolved bidi level retrieved from the source for cases such as Arabic stacked top-to-bottom, where the glyphs are still shaped as RTL, but the runs are TTB along with any CJK or Latin.

Whether the glyphs are rotated on their side, which is the default case for CJK and the case stacked Latin

Whether the script should be shaped as right-to-left. For Arabic stacked top-to-bottom, even when the adjusted bidi level is coerced to an even level, this will still be true.

The text analyzer calls back to this to report the actual orientation of each character for shaping and drawing.

Sub SetGlyphOrientation( _
   ByVal textPosition As System.Integer, _
   ByVal textLength As System.Integer, _
   ByVal glyphOrientationAngle As GlyphOrientationAngle, _
   ByVal adjustedBidiLevel As System.Byte, _
   ByVal isSideways As Bool, _
   ByVal isRightToLeft As Bool _
void SetGlyphOrientation( textPosition, textLength,
   GlyphOrientationAngle glyphOrientationAngle,
   System.byte adjustedBidiLevel,
   Bool isSideways,
   Bool isRightToLeft



The starting position to report from.


Number of UTF-16 units of the reported range.


A GlyphOrientationAngle -typed value that specifies the angle of the glyphs within the text range (pass to TextAnalyzer1.GetGlyphOrientationTransform to get the world relative transform).


The adjusted bidi level to be used by the client layout for reordering runs. This will differ from the resolved bidi level retrieved from the source for cases such as Arabic stacked top-to-bottom, where the glyphs are still shaped as RTL, but the runs are TTB along with any CJK or Latin.


Whether the glyphs are rotated on their side, which is the default case for CJK and the case stacked Latin


Whether the script should be shaped as right-to-left. For Arabic stacked top-to-bottom, even when the adjusted bidi level is coerced to an even level, this will still be true.


Returns a successful code or an error code to abort analysis.


TextAnalysisSink1 インターフェース
TextAnalysisSink1 メンバ