| 名前 | 解説 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | AlphaBlend | オーバーロードされます。 Displays bitmaps that have transparent or semitransparent pixels. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | Clip | Clips the device context by the specified rectangle and operation mode. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | Copy | オーバーロードされます。 Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source DeviceContext object into a destination DeviceContext object. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | Dispose | Releases all resources used by this DeviceContext object. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | DrawArc | オーバーロードされます。 Draws a line segment and an arc. The line segment is drawn from the position which is defined by radius and startAngle . The arc is drawn along the perimeter of a circle with the given radius and center. The length of the arc is defined by the given start and sweep angles. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | DrawLine | Draws the special line by using the current pen of the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | DrawPolyBezier | Draws one or more Bezier curves. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | DrawPolyLine | Draws a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | DrawText | Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | FillRectangle | オーバーロードされます。 Gradient fills the rectangle with colors. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | FillRegion | Fills the region by the specified brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | FillRegionFrame | Draws a border around the specified region by using the specified brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | FillTriangle | Gradient fills the triangle with specified colors. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | GetClippingBox | Retrieves the dimensions of the tightest bounding rectangle that can be drawn around the current visible area on the device. The visible area is defined by the current clipping region or clip path, as well as any overlapping windows. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | GetLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | GetPixel | retrieves the red, green, blue (RGB) color value of the pixel at the specified coordinates. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | GetRasterOperationCode | retrieves the foreground mix mode of the specified device context. The mix mode specifies how the pen or interior color and the color already on the screen are combined to yield a new color. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | InitializeLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | InvertRectangle | Inverts a rectangle in a window by performing a logical NOT operation on the color values for each pixel in the rectangle's interior. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | InvertRegion | Inverts the colors in the specified region. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | MeasureText | Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintChord | Paints a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant). The chord is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintEllipse | Paints an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is outlined by using the current pen and is filled by using the current brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintPie | Paints a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials. The pie is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintPolygon | Paints a polygon consisting of two or more vertices connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintRectangle | Draw the special rectangle by using the current pen of the device context and fill the rectangle by using the current brush of the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PaintRoundRectangle | Paints a rectangle with rounded corners. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PointDeviceToLogical | converts device coordinates into logical coordinates. The conversion depends on the mapping mode of the device context, the settings of the origins and extents for the window and viewport, and the world transformation. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | PointLogicalToDevice | converts logical coordinates into device coordinates. The conversion depends on the mapping mode of the device context, the settings of the origins and extents for the window and viewport, and the world transformation. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | Restore | Restores the state of this C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.Graphics object to the state represented by a handle. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | Save | Saves the current state of this C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.Graphics object and identifies the saved state with a handle. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | ScaleViewport | Modifies the viewport for a device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | ScaleWindow | Modifies the window for a device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SelectObject | Selects an object into the specified device context(DC). The new object replaces the previous object of the same type. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetBackgroundColor | Sets the color of the background of the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetBackgroundMode | Sets the background mode of the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetCircumDirection | Sets the drawing direction of the circle shapes. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetClippingRegion | Combines the specified region with the current clipping region using the specified mode. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetForegroundColor | Sets the color of the foreground of the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetPixel | Sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the closest approximation of the specified color. The point must be in the clipping region and the visible part of the device surface. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetRasterOperationCode | Sets the current foreground mix mode. GDI uses the foreground mix mode to combine pens and interiors of filled objects with the colors already on the screen. The foreground mix mode defines how colors from the brush or pen and the colors in the existing image are to be combined. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetTextAlign | Sets the text-alignment flags for this device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetTextCharacterExtra | Sets the current intercharacter spacing for the device context. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | SetTextJustification | Specifies the amount of space the system should add to the break characters in a string of text. The space is added when an application calls the TextOut method. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TabbedTextExtent | The TabbedTextExtent method computes the width and height of a character string.If the string contains one or more tab characters, the width of the string is based upon the specified tab stops. The TabbedTextExtent method uses the currently selected font to compute the dimensions of the string. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TabbedTextOut | Writes a character string at a specified location, expanding tabs to the values specified in an array of tab-stop positions. Text is written in the currently selected font, background color, and text color. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TextExtent | Computes the width and height of the specified string of text. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TextExtentEx | Retrieves the number of characters in a specified string that will fit within a specified space and fills an array with the text extent for each of those characters. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TextOut | Writes a character string at the specified location, using the currently selected font, background color, and text color. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TranslateClippingRegion | Moves the clipping region of a device context by the specified offsets. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TranslateViewport | Modifies the viewport origin for a device context using the specified horizontal and vertical offsets. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |
![Public メソッド](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicMethod.png) | TranslateWindow | Modifies the window origin for a device context using the specified horizontal and vertical offsets. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.DeviceContextから継承されます。 |