名前 | 解説 | |
Center | Gets or sets a C1.Win.Interop.Point structure that specifies the position of the center point. (0,0) is the top-left corner, (1,1) is the bottom-right corner. | |
CenterColor | Gets or sets the center color of the current radial gradient brush. | |
Color1 | Gets the first color of the gradient. Note that setting this property automatically changes the GradientStops collection (the color of the first gradient stop will be changed). C1.Win.Document.C1GradientBrushから継承されます。 | |
Color2 | Gets the last color of the gradient. Note that settings this property automatically changes the GradientStops collection (the color of the last gradient stop will be changed). C1.Win.Document.C1GradientBrushから継承されます。 | |
GradientStops | Gets the brush's gradient stops. C1.Win.Document.C1GradientBrushから継承されます。 | |
SurroundColor | Gets or sets the surrounding color of the current radial gradient brush. |