Document Library for WinForms
C1.Win.Document.Export.Ssrs 名前空間
C1.Win.Document.6 アセンブリ : C1.Win.Document.Export.Ssrs 名前空間
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to BMP.
クラスDescribes export to image BMP format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to CSV.
クラスDescribes export to CSV format.
クラスDescribes export to DOCX (Open XML) format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to EMF.
クラスDescribes export to image EMF format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to Excel.
クラスDescribes export to Microsoft Excel format.
クラスBase class for all SSRS exporters.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to GIF.
クラスDescribes export to image GIF format.
クラスBase class for all exporters performing export to image format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to JPEG.
クラスDescribes export to image JPEG format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to Web archive (MHTML) format.
クラスDescribes export to Web archive (MHTML) format.
クラスBase class for paginated exporters like PDF, IMAGE and so on.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to PNG.
クラスDescribes export to image PNG format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to TIFF.
クラスDescribes export to image TIFF format.
クラスRepresents an object that can be used to export a SSRS report to Microsoft Word format.
クラスDescribes export to Microsoft Word format.
クラスDescribes export to XLSX (Open XML) format.
列挙体Defines text encodings supported by CsvExporter.
列挙体Defines how AutoFit value can be specified for tables in generated Word files.

C1.Win.Document.6 アセンブリ