FlexPivot for WinForms
GetUniqueValues メソッド (PivotField)

C1.PivotEngine アセンブリ > C1.PivotEngine 名前空間 > PivotField クラス : GetUniqueValues メソッド
Gets a list of unique values found in the data source for this field.
Public Overridable Function GetUniqueValues() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object)
public virtual System.Collections.Generic.List<object> GetUniqueValues()


A list of unique values found in the data source for this field.
This list is updated whenever the C1PivotEngine traverses the data to build the output table. Calling this method before the engine builds the output table returns an empty collection.

PivotField クラス
PivotField メンバ