FlexPivot for WinForms
StyleHigh プロパティ (PivotField)

C1.PivotEngine アセンブリ > C1.PivotEngine 名前空間 > PivotField クラス : StyleHigh プロパティ
Gets the PivotConditionalFieldStyle used to display high values.
Public ReadOnly Property StyleHigh As PivotConditionalFieldStyle
public PivotConditionalFieldStyle StyleHigh {get;}

This property allows you to apply conditional formatting to a field, making certain values stand out when displayed on to the user.

For example, the code below shows values in the top 10% range in bold with a green background and values in the bottom 10% range in bold with a red background:

// apply formatting to all value fields var fp = this.c1FlexPivotPage1.FlexPivotEngine; foreach (var f in fp.ValueFields) { // show top 10% values in green, bold var sh = f.StyleHigh; sh.ConditionType = C1.PivotEngine.ConditionType.Percentage; sh.Value = .9; sh.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 255, 210); sh.FontBold = true; // show bottom 10% values in red, bold var sl = f.StyleLow; sl.ConditionType = C1.PivotEngine.ConditionType.Percentage; sl.Value = .1; sl.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 210, 210); sl.FontBold = true; }

PivotField クラス
PivotField メンバ