FlexPivot for WinForms
MouseEnterCell イベント (C1FlexGridBase)

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 > C1FlexGridBase クラス : MouseEnterCell イベント
Fires when the mouse enters a cell.
Public Event MouseEnterCell As RowColEventHandler
public event RowColEventHandler MouseEnterCell
イベント データ

イベント ハンドラが、このイベントに関連するデータを含む、RowColEventArgs 型の引数を受け取りました。次の RowColEventArgs プロパティには、このイベントの固有の情報が記載されます。

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the operation should be canceled.  
Gets the index of the column that caused the event.  
Gets the index of the row that caused the event.  

Many applications track mouse movement and react to the cell that is currently under the mouse. This can be done using the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseMove event, but that is not very efficient since the event fires many times while the mouse is over the same cell.

The MouseEnterCell event allows you to implement cell tracking efficiently, since it only fires once until the mouse leaves the cell.

The code below tracks mouse movement and highlights the cell under the mouse:
void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // create style for tracking cell under the mouse
  CellStyle cs = _flex.Styles.Add("track");
  cs.BackColor = Color.Gold;
void _flex_MouseEnterCell(object sender, RowColEventArgs e)
  // apply tracking style when mouse enters the cell
  _flex.SetCellStyle(e.Row, e.Col, _flex.Styles["track"]);
void _flex_MouseLeaveCell(object sender, RowColEventArgs e)
  // remove tracking style when mouse leaves the cell
  _flex.SetCellStyle(e.Row, e.Col, (CellStyle)null);