FlexPivot for WinForms
HitTestInfo 構造体 メンバ

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 : HitTestInfo 構造体


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGet the index of the column at the point being tested (if the point does not correspond to a cell, it returns -1).  
Public プロパティGets whether mouse is on footer.  
Public プロパティThe point on the control surface, in pixels.  
Public プロパティGet the index of the row at the point being tested (if the point does not correspond to a cell, it returns -1).  
Public プロパティGets a HitTestTypeEnum that describes the type of element described by a HitTestInfo.  
Public プロパティThe X coordinate of a point on the control surface, in pixels.  
Public プロパティThe Y coordinate of a point on the control surface, in pixels.  

HitTestInfo 構造体
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間