FlexPivot for WinForms
IC1EmbeddedEditor インターフェース

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 : IC1EmbeddedEditor インターフェース
Interface implemented by editors and used by the grid to host edit controls on cells.
オブジェクト モデル
IC1EmbeddedEditor インターフェース
Public Interface IC1EmbeddedEditor 
public interface IC1EmbeddedEditor 

All built-in grid editors implement this interface, as do the controls in the ComponentOne C1Input library.

If you want to use a third-party editor with the C1FlexGrid, consider creating a derived class and implementing this interface.

Note that the methods in IC1EmbeddedEditor are called using reflection. Controls do not need to implement the entire interface. Any public methods with matching signatures (names, parameters, and return values) will be invoked by the grid. The grid supplies default handlers for any methods not implemented by the control.


IC1EmbeddedEditor メンバ
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間