FlexPivot for WinForms
Sort(SortFlags,Int32,Int32) メソッド

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 > Node クラス > Sort メソッド : Sort(SortFlags,Int32,Int32) メソッド
One or more values from the SortFlags enumeration that specify the type of sorting to be applied (e.g. ascending, descending, case-sensitive, etc).
Start of a range of columns to sort.
End of a range of columns to sort.
Sorts this node's child nodes in the specified order.
Public Overloads Sub Sort( _
   ByVal order As SortFlags, _
   ByVal col1 As System.Integer, _
   ByVal col2 As System.Integer _
public void Sort( 
   SortFlags order,
   System.int col1,
   System.int col2


One or more values from the SortFlags enumeration that specify the type of sorting to be applied (e.g. ascending, descending, case-sensitive, etc).
Start of a range of columns to sort.
End of a range of columns to sort.

The grid recognizes two types of row: regular rows which contain data, and node rows which are used to group data. This method only sorts the row nodes; it does not reorder the data rows within each node.

To sort the data rows, use the grid's Sort(SortFlags,Int32) method instead.


Node クラス
Node メンバ