FlexPivot for WinForms
ChartTotals プロパティ (FlexPivotChart)

C1.Win.FlexPivot.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.FlexPivot 名前空間 > FlexPivotChart クラス : ChartTotals プロパティ
Gets or sets whether the chart should include only totals.
Public Property ChartTotals As System.Boolean
public System.bool ChartTotals {get; set;}

This property allows you to create summary charts that include only the totals, as opposed to one series for each column in the data source.

It is useful when creating views that have so many individual values that the default detailed chart becomes too crowded to be readable.


FlexPivotChart クラス
FlexPivotChart メンバ