FlexPivot for WinForms
C1.Win.FlexPivot.Styles 名前空間
C1.Win.FlexPivot.Slicer.4.5.2 アセンブリ : C1.Win.FlexPivot.Styles 名前空間
クラスButton images
クラスButtonStateStyle contains display attributes that determine the general appearance of the button on the screen depending on its state.
クラスButtonStyles contains display attributes that determine the general appearance of the button on the screen.
クラスCommonStyle contains display attributes that determine the common appearance features of the control on the screen.
クラスHeaderStyle contains display attributes that determine the general appearance of the header on the screen.
クラスThe SlicerStyles class represents the theme for the C1.Win.FlexPivot.C1FlexPivotSlicer control which contains display attributes that determine the appearance of control.
インターフェースButton images interface
インターフェースInterface to provide button styles in different states
インターフェースButton styles interface
インターフェースCommon style interface
インターフェースHeader style interface

C1.Win.FlexPivot.Slicer.4.5.2 アセンブリ