The FlexReportDesigner control displays .flxr files in design mode and allows you to drag, copy, and resize report fields and sections. The advantage of using the FlexReportDesigner control in place of the FlexReportDesigner app is that you can modify the FlexReportDesigner source code to suit your needs. Using the FlexReportDesigner control, you can create your own fully functional report designer app or add certain report design functionality to your apps.
Creating your own customized report designer is useful in many situations, for example:
To use the FlexReportDesigner component, simply create a Windows Forms App, add a FlexReport control to the form, bind it with the report you want to edit, and set the Report property in the designer control.
The following steps describe how to create a sample designer and implement a simple report using the C1FlexReportDesigner control. The purpose of this sample designer is to illustrate how the FlexReportDesigner control integrates with a designer application. It allows you to load and save files containing multiple reports, edit and preview reports, add and remove reports from the file, undo/redo, and modify reports.
The following image showcases a sample designer application.
Follow the step-by-step implementation for creating a sample designer app.
Control | Control Name | Description |
Label | label1, label2 | Label control displays some informative text on the UI. |
C1FlexViewerPane | c1FlexViewerPane1 | C1FlexViewer Pane control for previewing the reports. |
C1FlexReportDesigner | c1FlexReportDesigner1 | C1FlexReport Designer control for designing and editing reports. |
PropertyGrid | PropertyGrid1 | PropertyGrid control for editing properties of object selected in the designer. |
ListBox | listReport | ListBox control with a list of reports currently loaded. |
Splitter | splitter1 | Splitter control resizes the docked controls at run-time. |
ToolStrip | toolStrip1 | ToolStrip control acts like a container without adding its child controls. |
C1FlexReport | c1FlexReport1 | C1FlexReport component used for rendering reports into the c1FlexViewerPane1 control. |
The form contains controls such as labels and splitters, which are used to improve the layout. These are optional and may be omitted depending on your needs. The application source code implements all of these controls, and you can use the source code as a basis for your implementation.
C# |
// フィールド private string _fileName; // 現在のファイル名 private bool _dirty; // 現在のファイルが変更されました int _ctr = 0; // フォームのキャプションに表示するタイトル private const string _appName = "FlexReportDesigner Demo"; |
C# |
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateUI(); } private void UpdateUI() { // キャプションを更新します Text = (_fileName != null && _fileName.Length > 0) ? string.Format("{0} - [{1}] {2}", _appName, _fileName, _dirty ? "*" : "") : _appName; // プッシュ/リリースデザイン/プレビュー モードボタン bool design = c1FlexReportDesigner1.Visible && c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report != null; _btnDesign.Checked = design; _btnPreview.Checked = !design; // ボタンの有効化/無効化 _btnCut.Enabled = design && c1FlexReportDesigner1.CanCut; _btnCopy.Enabled = design && c1FlexReportDesigner1.CanCopy; _btnPaste.Enabled = design && c1FlexReportDesigner1.CanPaste; _btnUndo.Enabled = design && c1FlexReportDesigner1.CanUndo; _btnRedo.Enabled = design && c1FlexReportDesigner1.CanRedo; bool reportSelected = design && listReport.SelectedItem != null; _btnAddReport.Enabled = c1FlexReportDesigner1.Visible; _btnDelReport.Enabled = reportSelected; _btnAddField.Enabled = reportSelected; _btnAddLabel.Enabled = reportSelected; } |
Notice how UpdateUI uses the CanCut, CanPaste, CanUndo, and CanRedo properties to enable and disable toolbar buttons.
C# |
private void toolStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { // デザイン/プレビュー モード if (e.ClickedItem == _btnDesign) SetDesignMode(true); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnPreview) SetDesignMode(false); // ファイルコマンド if (e.ClickedItem == _btnNew) NewFile(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnOpen) OpenFile(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnSave) SaveFile(); //// クリップボード操作の元に戻すことができます if (e.ClickedItem == _btnCut || e.ClickedItem == _btnPaste) c1FlexReportDesigner1.UndoSaveState(); //// クリップボード if (e.ClickedItem == _btnCut) c1FlexReportDesigner1.DoCut(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnCopy) c1FlexReportDesigner1.DoCopy(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnPaste) c1FlexReportDesigner1.DoPaste(); ////元に戻す/やり直し if (e.ClickedItem == _btnUndo) c1FlexReportDesigner1.UndoUndo(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnRedo) c1FlexReportDesigner1.UndoRedo(); //// レポートを追加/削除します if (e.ClickedItem == _btnAddReport) NewReport(); if (e.ClickedItem == _btnDelReport) DeleteReport(); //// フィールドを追加します //// (just set create info and wait for CreateField event from designer) if (e.ClickedItem == _btnAddField) { c1FlexReportDesigner1.DoCreateFieldWithMouse(e.ClickedItem); } if (e.ClickedItem == _btnAddLabel) { c1FlexReportDesigner1.DoCreateFieldWithMouse(e.ClickedItem); } } |
C# |
private void SetDesignMode(bool design) { // プレビュー/デザイン ペインの表示/非表示します c1FlexReportDesigner1.Visible = design; c1FlexViewerPane1.Visible = !design; // プレビュー モードにプロパティがありません if (!design) { label2.Text = "Properties"; propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = null; } // レポートのコピーをプレビュー コントロールに添付します // (スクリプトによる変更は保存されません) if (!design) { c1FlexViewerPane1.DocumentSource = null; c1FlexReport1 = c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; c1FlexReport1.Render(); if (c1FlexReport1.PageCount > 0) c1FlexViewerPane1.DocumentSource = c1FlexReport1; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } // 完了、UI を更新します UpdateUI(); } |
This simple designer has three commands that support files: New, Open, and Save. The following steps help you add these commands to the designer toolbar.
C# |
private void NewFile() { _fileName = ""; _dirty = false; listReport.Items.Clear(); c1FlexViewerPane1.DocumentSource = null; c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report = null; UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
public void OpenFile() { // 開くファイルの名前を取得します OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = "*.flxr"; dlg.Title = "Open Report Definition File"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; // 選択したファイルをチェックします string[] reports = null; try { reports = C1FlexReport.GetReportList(dlg.FileName); } catch { } if (reports == null || reports.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid (or empty) report definition file"); return; } // リストをクリアします NewFile(); // 新しいファイルを読み込みます Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; _fileName = dlg.FileName; foreach (string reportName in reports) { C1FlexReport rpt = new C1FlexReport(); rpt.Load(_fileName, reportName); listReport.Items.Add(new ReportHolder(rpt)); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; // 最初のレポートを選択します listReport.SelectedIndex = 0; } |
C# |
public void SaveFile() { // 保存するファイルの名前を取得します SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = _fileName; dlg.Title = "Save Report Definition File"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; // ファイルを保存します XmlTextWriter w = new XmlTextWriter(dlg.FileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default); w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; w.Indentation = 2; w.WriteStartDocument(); // すべてのレポートをそれに書き込みます Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; w.WriteStartElement("Reports"); w.WriteElementString("FormatVersion", "1.0"); foreach (ReportHolder rh in listReport.Items) rh.Report.Save(w); w.WriteEndElement(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; // ファイルを閉じます w.Close(); // 完了 _fileName = dlg.FileName; _dirty = false; UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
public class ReportHolder { public readonly C1FlexReport Report; public ReportHolder(C1FlexReport report) { Report = report; } override public string ToString() { string s = Report.ReportName; return (s != null && s.Length > 0) ? s : "Unnamed Report"; } } |
Next, add the event handlers that hook up all the controls together.
C# |
private void ListReport_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // デザインモードに切り替えます SetDesignMode(true); // 選択したレポートをデザイナーに添付してコントロールをプレビューします c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report = null; c1FlexViewerPane1.DocumentSource = null; if (listReport.SelectedItem != null) c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report = ((ReportHolder)listReport.SelectedItem).Report; } |
C# |
private void C1FlexReportDesigner1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // object[] sel = c1FlexReportDesigner1.SelectedFields; if (c1FlexReportDesigner1.SelectedFields.Count > 0) { label2.Text = "Field Properties"; propertyGrid1.SelectedObjects = c1FlexReportDesigner1.SelectedFields.ToArray(); } else if (c1FlexReportDesigner1.SelectedSubSections.Count>0) { label2.Text = "Section Properties"; propertyGrid1.SelectedObject =c1FlexReportDesigner1.GetCurrentSection(); } else if (c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report != null) { label2.Text = "Report Properties"; propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report; } else // 何も選択されていません { label2.Text = "Properties"; propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = null; } // 完了 UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
private void C1FlexReportDesigner1_ValuesChanged(object sender, ValuesChangedEventArgs e) { propertyGrid1.Refresh(); _dirty = true; UpdateUI(); } private void PropertyGrid1_PropertyValueChanged(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e) { c1FlexReportDesigner1.Refresh(); _dirty = true; UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
// 現在のレポートをリストから削除します private void DeleteReport() { // レポートを選択する必要があります int index = listReport.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) return; // デザイナーとリストからレポートを削除します c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report = null; listReport.Items.RemoveAt(index); // 可能であれば、別のレポートを選択します if (index > listReport.Items.Count - 1) index = listReport.Items.Count - 1; if (index > -1) listReport.SelectedIndex = index; // 完了 _dirty = true; UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
private void NewReport() { // データ ソースを選択します (このサンプルでは mdb ファイルのみ) OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = "*.mdb"; dlg.Title = "Select report data source"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; // データ ソースから最初のテーブルを選択します string connString = string.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};", dlg.FileName); string tableName = GetFirstTable(connString); if (tableName == null || tableName.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to retrieve data from the selected source."); return; } // 新しいレポートを作成します C1FlexReport rpt = new C1FlexReport(); rpt.ReportName = tableName; // データ ソースを設定します rpt.DataSource.ConnectionString = connString; rpt.DataSource.RecordSource = tableName; // タイトル フィールドを追加します Section s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Header]; s.Visible = true; s.Height = 600; TextField f = new TextField(); f.Name = "TitleField"; f.Text = tableName; f.Height = 600; f.Width = 4000; f.Top = 0; f.Left = 0; f.Font.Bold = true; f.Font.Size = 24; f.ForeColor = Color.Navy; s.Fields.Add(f); FieldInfo fld1 = (FieldInfo)(rpt.DataSource.DataSourceInfo.Fields[1]); FieldInfo fld2 = (FieldInfo)(rpt.DataSource.DataSourceInfo.Fields[2]); string[] fieldNames = new string[] { fld1.Name, fld2.Name}; int cnt = Math.Min(5, fieldNames.Length); // ページ ヘッダーを追加します s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader]; s.Visible = true; s.Height = 400; Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, (int)s.Height); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { f = new TextField(); f.Name = "TitleField"; f.Text = fieldNames[i]; f.Height = rc.Height; f.Width = rc.Width; f.Top = rc.Top; f.Left = rc.Left; f.Font.Bold = true; f.Font.Bold = true; rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0); s.Fields.Add(f); } // 詳細セクションを追加します s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail]; s.Visible = true; s.Height = 300; rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, (int)s.Height); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { f = new TextField(); f.Name = "TitleField"; f.Text.Expression = fieldNames[i]; f.Height = rc.Height; f.Width = rc.Width; f.Top = rc.Top; f.Left = rc.Left; f.Font.Bold = true; f.Font.Bold = true; rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0); s.Fields.Add(f); } // 新しいレポートをリストに追加して選択します listReport.Items.Add(new ReportHolder(rpt)); listReport.SelectedIndex = listReport.Items.Count - 1; // 完了 _dirty = true; UpdateUI(); } |
C# |
private string GetFirstTable(string connString) { string tableName = null; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString); try { //スキーマを取得します conn.Open(); DataTable dt = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { // テーブルのタイプをチェックします string type = dr["TABLE_TYPE"].ToString().ToUpper(); if (type != "TABLE" && type != "VIEW" && type != "LINK") continue; // テーブル名を取得します tableName = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); break; } // 完了 conn.Close(); } catch { } // 最初のテーブルを返します return tableName; } |
C# |
private void C1FlexReportDesigner1_CreateField(object sender, CreateFieldEventArgs e) { // save undo info c1FlexReportDesigner1.UndoSaveState(); // ラベル フィールドを追加します string fieldName = string.Format("NewField{0}", ++_ctr); string fieldText = fieldName; TextField field = new TextField(); field.Text = fieldText; field.Name = fieldName; field.Top = e.FieldBounds.Top; field.Width = e.FieldBounds.Width; field.Height = e.FieldBounds.Height; field.Left= e.FieldBounds.Left; e.SubSection.ParentSection.Fields.Add(field); // これが計算フィールドの場合、 if (e.CreateFieldInfo == _btnAddField) { FieldInfo fld1 = (FieldInfo)(c1FlexReportDesigner1.Report.DataSource.DataSourceInfo.Fields[0]); field.Text.Expression = fld1.Name; } c1FlexReportDesigner1.UpdateFromReport(); } |