GanttView enables you to control the visibility of certain elements. You can determine whether or not to show the nonworking time, highlight start and finish dates, highlight today’s date, and show the C1GanttView toolbar.
You can set the ShowNonworkingTime property of the C1GanttView class to true to show the Nonworking-Time.
Use the below code snippet to show the nonworking-time in the GanttView.
C# |
//非稼働時間を表示します。 c1GanttView1.ShowNonworkingTime = true; |
To show the Start and Finish date, you can set the ShowStartFinish property of the C1GanttView class to true.
Below code snippet shows how you can show start and finish date in your project.
C# |
//開始日と終了日を表示します。 c1GanttView1.ShowStartFinish = true; |
To hide today's date, set the ShowToday property of the C1GanttView class to false.
Use the below code snippet to hide the today's date in your project.
C# |
//プロジェクトで今日の日付を表示します。 c1GanttView1.ShowToday = true; |
With GanttView, you can control the visibility of the C1GanttView toolbar by using the ShowStartFinish property of the C1GanttView class.Below code snippet shows how you can hide toolbar in your project.
C# |
//ツールバーを非表示にします。 c1GanttView1.ShowToolbar = false; |